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余力为是知名导演贾樟柯的御用摄影师。Yu is the regular cinematographer of leading director Jia Zhang-ke.

像一首叙情的诗,娓娓道来一个新电影工作者的工作常态。Like a lyric poem, the film recounts the work and life of a cinematographer.

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罗素的祖父,斯坦·威米斯是一位拍摄二战时期影片的电影摄影技师。Russell's grandfather, Stan Wymess, was a cinematographer who made movies of World War Two.

黑白胶片同时也模拟着舞台人生。Captured with black and white film, her photography emulates the style of a cinematographer.

他最近从一家台湾主要电视台的摄影师位置上退休。He recently retired from his work as a cinematographer for a major Taiwanese television station.

通过这部很酷、很优雅、很生动的电影,摄影师何塞·路易斯·艾尔凯恩依旧让阿莫多瓦漂亮地发光发亮。He does in this cool, elegant and moving film, beautifully lit as usual by cinematographer José Luis Alcaine.

杂志在今天的一个声明中宣布了这位成就斐然的摄影师、电影摄影师和探险家的死讯。The magazine announced the death of the accomplished photographer, cinematographer and explorer in a statement today.

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一部电影先是有了小说,然后是剧本,还有摄影师和其他一大帮子人的参合。A. First it was a novel, then it was a screenplay, and there was a cinematographer involved and a lot of other people.

美国电影摄影师协会培养了我对电影摄影师和他们的艺术的敏锐的洞察力。American Cinematographer has played a key role in providing me with insight about cinematographers and their artistry.

并在与美国、英国、德国、日本等国外电视台合拍片中担任摄影。Cinematographer of co-productions with foreign television stations from the United States, Great Britain, Germany, and Japan.

作家杰夫瑞·纳奇曼奥弗,电影摄影师尤利·史德加,编剧戴维·勃伦纳和作品设计师巴里·楚斯德评论。Commentary by writer Jeffrey Nachmanoff, cinematographer Ueli Steiger, editor David Brenner, and production designer Barry Chusid.

画写于1949年奥尔顿,奥斯卡获奖电影摄影师和摄像师谁上100多个工作项目,有很多是黑色电影。Painting was written in 1949 by Alton, an Oscar-winning cinematographer and cameraman who worked on over 100 projects, many being films noir.

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有一天拍摄的时候,雪花不期而至,瑞恩将计就计,一上午就把表现冬天的镜头都拍完了。When snow came unexpectedly one day during the shoot, the cinematographer was able to grab all of the wintry nature shots in a single morning.

电影失败的另外一个原因在于我所了解的导演的艺术化的指导和摄影师去成为了这部电影的障碍。Another way the film failed is that the artistic drive of the director and cinematographer was something I understood but saw it as a hindrance of the movie.

黑泽明遵从了典型的日本电影公司拍片惯例,那就是一直雇佣同一帮演员和剧组职员,像摄影师中井朝一和电影配乐家早坂文雄也都与黑泽明保持着长期的合作关系。Indeed , Kurosawa followed the typical Japanese studio practice of employing the same cast and crew production after production , including cinematographer Asakazu Nakai and composer Fumio Haysaka.

导演和摄影赋予影片特写镜头很多优美的景象,在很多影片中这是很难见到的,因为这种表现手法在许多影片中被滥用了。Mendes and cinematographer Conrad L. Hall add some wonderful camera work, especially when it comes to close-ups. In most films, we rarely notice this kind of shot because it is used indiscriminately.