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真正的大侠决不放弃。A good warrior never quits.

有时我真想一死了之。Sometimes, I just want to call it quits.

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我无法接受的,是一支轻言放弃的球队。What I can’t accept is a team that quits.

所以开始努力了就不要放弃!A quiter never wins, a winner never quits !

你不能走,真正的壮士决不会撤退。You cannot leave, real warrior never quits.

你不能走,真的虎贲决不会撤退。You cannot leave , real warrior never quits.

所以,她辞了职,变成了一名房地产经纪人。So she quits and becomes a real estate agent.

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你不可以走,真的武士是永不言弃的。You cannot leave! A real warrior never quits.

这个乐队在此次巡游之后打算散伙。The band decided to call it quits after the tour.

情人没有善待你,可以甩了对方。You can call it quits if your lover mistreats you.

现下你摔了我两次,咱们大家扯了个直。And now, you had me fall two times, so we are quits.

因此什么时候你才能真正知道现在是该放弃的时候了。So when do you really know it’s time to call it quits?

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如果设计者放弃,这个项目就会完全失败。This project will go up in flames if the designer quits.

女孩辞职上镜头,爆老板玩农场游戏上瘾Girl quits job on camera, exposes boss as Farmville addict

彼得对自己的工作厌烦了,决定撒手不干。Peter was fed up with his job and decided to call it quits.

在损失了几百万美元之后,他们终于喊停。They finally called it quits after losing millions of dollars.

每次我想打开一个程序的时候,这个愚蠢的东西就会自动关机。Every time I try to open a program, the stupid thing quits on me.

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一位有才华的跳高选手﹐以泉放弃了跳高在一场车祸后。A talented high-jumper, Yiquan quits the sport after car accident.

每个月,有数以百万的新离职者,又有数以百万的新雇工。Each month, there are millions of new quits and millions of new hires.

她告诉我们她戒烟了,但我知道她还在偶尔偷偷抽上一两根。She tells us she quits smoking, but I know she still sneaks occasionally.