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现在我有个破碎的锁骨。I now have a broken collarbone. FML

沿着他的锁骨瘀伤有指纹。Fingerprint bruising along his collarbone.

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穿一件开襟衬衫,抚摸自己的脖子和锁骨。Wear an open shirt, and touch your neck and collarbone.

用于锁骨骨折的固定。Suitable for reposition and fixation of collarbone injury.

在左边的照片,高雅拉是穿蓝色的连衣裙,暴露了她的锁骨。In the left picture, Go Ara is wearing a blue one-piece dress, baring her collarbone.

兰斯阿姆斯特朗在西班牙的一场五日跑中摔倒伤到了他的锁骨。Lance Armstrong has broken his collarbone in a crash during a five-day-race in Spain.

起搏器是一种电池驱动的小玩意,植入锁骨附近。A pacemaker is a small, battery-powered device that's usually implanted near your collarbone.

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“我们该保密,”他又说道,随后他的手,接着是他的嘴,在她的锁骨游走。"We should seal the deal, " he said instead, and ran his hand, and then his mouth, along her collarbone.

在中国,突出的锁骨和修长优雅的颈项也是性感区域。A protruding collarbone and a long, elegant neck were also the focus of secondary erogenous zones in China.

简单起见,我把左手平举到我的锁骨之下,“不许到这里下面,”我说。For simplicity's sake I took my left arm and lined it up under my collarbone. "Nothing below here," I said.

简单起见,我把左手平举到我的锁骨之下,“不许到这下面,”我说。For simplicity's sake I took my left arm and lined it up under my collarbone. "Nothing below here, " I said.

在你未褪去她衣裳时,你可以亲吻到的最暧昧的地方莫过于锁骨。While her clothes are still on, one of the most intimate places you can lay some kisses is along her collarbone.

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马普安把精力集中在迈出的每一步上,他的脚、踝和膝盖都在发颤,肩膀在25公斤的背包下发抖,尼龙背带在锁骨上磨出了红红的印,就像烙上的一样。Shoulders shudder under the 25-kilo weight of the rucksack. The nylon straps burn red lines across his collarbone.

结论8字树脂绷带外固定治疗锁骨骨折固定牢靠,疗效满意,是锁骨骨折治疗的理想外固定方法。Conclusion "8" resins bandage for external fixation is ideal for collarbone fracture, with assured therapeutic effect.

我当时正在睡觉,突然感觉到有两只手指从我的下巴一路滑到咽喉再到锁骨。I was lying on my back asleep when I felt two fingers being dragged from my chin down my throat and across my collarbone.

留置锁骨下静脉导管保证了骨髓移植的顺利进行。The author pointed out indwelling intravenous ducts under collarbone ensured smooth performance of marrow transplantation.

今天,我在一个公共泳池。一个巨胖的孩子叫嚷着“加农大炮”就跳到了我的右边。现在我有个破碎的锁骨。Today, I was at a public pool. A very fat kid yelled, "Cannon Ball!" He jumped right on me. I now have a broken collarbone. FML

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今天我到公共泳池玩,一个超肥的小孩大喊着“人间大炮!”跳进水里砸在我身上。我锁骨骨折了。FML。Today, I was at a public pool. A very fat kid yelled, "Cannon Ball! " He jumped right on me. I now have a broken collarbone. FML.

他的骨头坚硬,但骨折部位显然可见在右太阳穴正上方,同样是在死之前,右锁骨骨折。His bones were sturdy, but a fracture was visible above the right temple, and the right collarbone was fractured, also before death.

六周以后,在手术后复出的第一次比赛中,他卷入一场连环碰撞事件,再次锁骨骨折。Six weeks later, in his first post-injury race, he was engulfed by a multi-rider pile-up, crashed again, and re-broke his collarbone.