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他的膝盖有点正常,也不能动。His knee is misshapen or unequipped to move.

吸烟会导致精子畸形和移动缓慢。Smoking can cause sperm to be misshapen and move slowly.

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但在干旱气候下,分子会发生畸形和不稳定。But during drought, the molecules are misshapen and unstable.

然而,如此畸形的蛋在我们的日常生活中还是比较罕见。However, so seriously misshapen egg is rare in our daily life.

他站在那儿,手里的礼物看着又大又怪。He stood cradling what looked to be an enormous, misshapen gift.

我们开始时只能做出几百个畸形的粘土废品。We started with only a couple of hundred misshapen blobs of clay.

畸形蛋很常见,一般是由于母鸡双排卵造成的。Misshapen eggs are common produced as a result of double ovulation.

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对他来说,星期天就像是丑陋的月亮下那阴暗的一面。For him, Sunday was like a misshapen moon that showed only its dark side.

体重太轻、尾巴没有毛、身材走样,走路还一拐一拐的。Wilbur is underweight, has no tail feathers, a misshapen body and walks with a limp.

极具讽刺的是,当时飞机正在漏油,像极了小时候那个残缺的模型。Ironically, the plane was dripping, much like the misshapen model had assembled in my youth.

畸形细胞缺乏可塑性,会阻塞毛细血管,阻碍血液流动。The misshapen cells lack plasticity and can block small blood vessels, impairing blood flow.

女性迪洛矮人最令人不安的特征是畸形的指甲和发育不良的手。The most disturbing trait of the derro female is her misshapen fingernails and stunted hands.

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因此,当发生牙冠残缺时应及时修复。Accordingly, should produce a tooth seasonable rehabilitate answers when the coronal is misshapen.

只要能够找件合适我这畸形身材的样式我真的不介意穿什么颜色。I don't really mind what color we choose as long as I can find the right cut for my misshapen body.

这些名字中的每一个都代表文明底下的那些奇形怪状的毒蕈中的一种。Each one of these names corresponds to a variety of those misshapen fungi from the under side of civilization.

从卡西莫多第一次用他那畸形的眼睛看到那姑娘,这个可怜的驼子就疯狂地爱上了艾丝美拉达。From the first moment Quasimodo laid his misshapen eyes on her, the poor dope was madly in love with Esmeralda.

为了使他的希望彻底破灭,越南兵没有把他的断骨恢复原位,而是让部分骨头就那么突出在手臂之外,并且就这样打上了石膏。To kill that hope, the Vietnamese left part of a bone sticking out of his arm, and put him in a misshapen cast.

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整体是庞大、笨重、奇形怪状的,就象一架大炮的座子。The whole thing was compact, overwhelming, and misshapen. It seemed like the gun-carriage of an enormous cannon.

皇家铸币局老闆在布鲁塞尔否认他的硬币是错形,还说那发现是纯粹撞彩。The boss of the Royal Mint in Brussels denies that his coins are misshapen and says the findings are pure chance.

汽车、卡车、列车以及大型的船只,要么横七竖八地堆积在岸边,要么漂浮在混沌的浊水中,像残缺的澡盆玩具。Cars, trucks, trains and large ships lie swept into piles ashore or float in murky water like misshapen bath toys.