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他不相信战争已迫在眉睫。He had doubt about the imminence of war.

我国药品安全形势严峻,研究药品安全相关问题非常迫切。The research of drug safety is imminence to all of us.

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乌云和雷声表明暴雨即将来临。Dark clouds and thunder showed the imminence of a strom.

关爱他人将使我们在上帝的眼中变得伟大,会更多揭示上帝在我们身边。Caring for others will make us great in the eyes of God and will reveal more His imminence in us.

公众已经承受了十年关于一次恐怖性质的核袭击就在眼前的威胁警报。The public has now endured a decade of dire warnings about the imminence of a terrorist atomic attack.

国际局势已到了大变化的前夜,现在无论何方均已感到了这一变化。The international situation is on the threshold of a great change, whose imminence is sensed on all sides.

因而高等院校开展和推进双语教学的重要性和迫切性日益凸显。Thus the promotion of bilingual teaching in colleges and universities is of great importance and of great imminence.

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不过,我还感觉得到,相对紧迫的选举日正在为布朗先生提气,并迫使他集中精力。That said, I also sense that the relative imminence of polling day is raising Mr Brown's spirits and forcing him to focus.

在验证载荷施加期间,检测声发射还能额外地提供有关破坏临近程度的信息。The emission observed while holding at the proof load provides another piece of information regarding the imminence of failure.

随着陀螺精度的不断提高,在惯性导航系统中对高精度加速度计的需求越来越迫切。As the precision improvement of gyroscope, the requirement of high precision accelerometer was much imminence in inertial field.

改革是当今社会的迫切要求、必然要求,从经济体制改革、政治体制改革,到如今教育体制的改革,是当务之急。Nowadays, reform including fields of economic, politics and education, has become an imminence and necessary request for the society.

随着互联网技术的不断发展,如何构建一个良好的远程教育平台已成为远程教育发展中迫切需要解决的重要课题。With the development of internet's technology, how to build an excellent platform has became an imminence task in Distance Education.

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建筑节能,尤其是居住建筑的节能研究在世界性的能源危机面前尤为迫切。Building energy saving research, especially on residential buildings, is a very imminence work facing the international energy crisis.

如何完备的做到以上这些,获得用户的满意,成了刚上线企业迫切需要关注的问题。How to do these upwards, how to achieve the user's satisfaction, is the imminence question which need the company just online attention.

这是它们即将堕落的迫切性,使这幅图像有了无穷的情感强度,和无边的美感。I think it's the imminence of their fallen-ness that lends this image its incredibly powerful emotional intensity and also, I think, its beauty.

当我们开始觉得易疲倦、情绪不稳定、做事效率低、注意力难以集中、健忘或判断力下降时,可能就是我们的生理节律低潮期来临了。It is the imminence of down period when we feel exhausted, irritated, low-efficient, unfocused, absent-minded or unable to make a good judgment.

为了营造气氛,他们四处联系球队,鼓吹交易,向记者们暗送秋波。They were contacting teams and suggesting trades and dropping hints to reporters about impending deals, all to create an atmosphere of imminence.

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在此基础上,深入剖析了明晰、扩大数字图书馆享有的著作权例外空间的迫切性。On this basis, it deeply analyzes the imminence to clearly define and farther expand the exception of copyright applied in digital library community.

本文介绍了家庭网络的概念以及目前国内外的发展现状,阐述了发展家庭网络的必要性和迫切性。This paper deals with the concept of Home Network and its development in the world, describes the necessity and imminence of developing the Home network.

但主管尚会受到职务出缺时递补时间的急迫性和出缺职务内容多样性的影响,而产生四种不同类型的决策限制。However, affected by the imminence of filling up a vacancy and diversity of vacant positions, superiors would be subject to 4 types of decision constraints.