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他们不太仪式的法律以外的甲烷。They are less ritualistic than the laws of ch.

无需语言,它的冲动是本能和仪式的。Lacking language, its impulses are instinctual and ritualistic.

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试想一下Yautja是多么的固守仪式的,这可能就是他们交配的方式。Considering how ritualistic the Yautja are, this could be how they copulate.

他们拖出了一具男孩的尸体,他是仪式杀戮的受害者。They dragged up a young boy's body who was the victim of a ritualistic killing.

印度教是非常仪式,其中包括极端的自我否定和自我惩罚。Hinduism is very ritualistic and includes extreme self denial and self punishment.

有个不能说的事就是有个关于军售的观点。That is the unuttered matter that underlies the ritualistic argument over arms sales.

他可能是唯一一个知道如何举行完整的拜月教仪式的人。He was probably the only one capable of putting up with all that ritualistic moon worship.

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很高兴听到他辞职了。我宁愿他辞职不愿看到切腹自杀。It's good to hear that he resigned. I'd rather he resign than engage in ritualistic suicide.

苏联声称要消灭资本主义不仅仅是形式上的。The Soviet commitment to the destruction of capitalism is not purely ritualistic and proforma.

无论如何,姥姥都命令我必须参加某种通宵的仪式性的祈祷会。Granny made it imperative, however, that I attend certain all-night ritualistic prayer meetings.

对仪式的热爱包括重复神的名字和以规定的方式去履行崇拜。Ritualistic devotion consists in repeating the name of God and performing worship in a prescribed manner.

执行长的工作往往会伴随著仪式性、没有实效的活动,我们首先会将这些活动加以排除。First, we eliminate all of the ritualistic and nonproductive activities that normally go with the job of CEO.

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在高山森林,跳舞山鸡甚至影响了他们的仪式显示对手边防军。In the alpine forests, dancing pheasants have even influenced rival border guards in their ritualistic displays.

许多关于宗教仪式的记载都和现今的不明飞行物以及绑架传说有着惊人的相似。Many of the accounts of ritualistic initiation bare striking parallels to modern day UFO contactee and abduction lore.

首先,该研究以人们关注的连环性杀手为对象,并研究他们的仪式行为。First, the study concerns the riveting subject of serial sexual killers and the ritualistic behaviors in which they engage.

这是因为它有其根据的精神,上帝,谁不能装在一个圣礼方块或走过场的公式。This is because it has its basis in the Spirit of God, who cannot be encased in a sacramental box or a ritualistic formula.

在北爱尔兰,德鲁伊教有表演宗教仪式和宰杀牲口祭祀神灵的风俗。In northern Ireland, it was customary for Druids to perform ritualistic ceremonies and make sacrifices to pacify their gods.

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其中一个最普遍的形式的宗教行为的原始文化中所表达的是礼仪和仪式的行动。One of the most pervasive forms of religious behavior in primitive cultures is expressed by rituals and ritualistic actions.

牠会把翅膀向上或向外伸,又或者像举行一个仪式的,像舞蹈般的把翼收回背部。It might stretch its wings up or out, maybe even returning them to their place against the back in a ritualistic , dance-like motion.

仪式的展演介绍以福建柘荣马仙庙为个案的仪式对马仙信仰的表达及其文化内涵。The ritualistic exhibition introduces the ritual of Ma deity temple in Zherong, Fujian Province to express cultural meaning of Ma deity.