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圈禁的熊猫很少交配。Pandas rarely mate in captivity.

这些动物栏养起来很少会肥壮。These animals rarely thrive in captivity.

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打破一切被动消极的禁锢。Breaking down the captivity of negativity.

努斯在遭绑架12天之后获救。Nuss was rescued after 12 days in captivity.

有两种类型的绝望可以导致束缚。Two forms of hopelessness can result from captivity.

绝大多数仓鸮都是圈养的。The great majority of barn owls are reared in captivity.

但人们的希望落空了,阿拉巴马鲟鱼再也没有出现过。Itnever did, and there are no Alabama sturgeons in captivity.

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但是这个创造性最终导致了他的牢狱之灾和死亡。But that creativity ultimately led to his captivity and death.

但它没有,而人们也再没捕获到萨氏铲鲟。It never did, and there are no Alabama sturgeons in captivity.

1968年多瓦夫坎贝尔俄罗斯仓鼠在英国人工繁殖成功。By 1968 they were breeding successfully in captivity in the UK.

目前,已经发现有1600只大熊猫生活在野外,160只生活在圈养状态。There are about 1, 600 living in the wild and 160 in captivity.

一个幽索在阴黑的魔窟里的灵魂!A soul was held in captivity in the gloomy dark den of monsters!

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恰似结束漫漫长夜禁锢的欢畅黎明。It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long light of captivity.

它来如一个快乐的黎明结束囚禁的长夜晚。It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity.

人们注意到许多动物一被关入笼中就不生育了。It is observed that many animals do not breed when in captivity.

它的到来如同高兴的黎明,竣事了束缚黑人的漫漫长夜。It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of bad captivity.

哎,现在我已被囚禁好几个小时,等待着那顿丰盛的晚宴。Well, I’ve been in captivity for several hours now, awaiting the feast.

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该一岁的鲨鱼,是圈养大白鲨中存活最久的。The one-year-old shark is the longest surviving great white in captivity.

有的鱼是永远都关不住的,因为它们属于天空。Some fish could not be keep in captivity , because they belong to the sky.

有的鱼是永远都关不住的因为它们属于天空。Some fish could not be kept in captivity , Because they belong to the sky.