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对于某些宗教信仰而言,他的论证存在明显的合理性。His argument has clear plausibility for some sorts of religious beliefs.

你可以对输入的出勤和缺勤做特别的核对。You can define specific plausibility checks for the entry of attendances and absences.

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但是我认为一个爱情故事至少要具备些许坚定的信念、令人信服的演绎以及性感的热情。But I do want a love story with at least a hint of conviction, plausibility or sexual heat.

但今天这种对我们工作的结果承诺一个无限的未来已经失去了可信度。But, today, this promise of infinite future for the results of our work lost any plausibility.

而且,主张维生素D和自闭症有关联的人士认为这个理论在生物学上是有道理的。Still, proponents of the vitamin D–autism link say there is biological plausibility to their theory.

它给了那些牺牲生命向詹姆斯·邦德开最后一枪的扈从们似是而非的理由。And it gives plausibility to the henchman who sacrifices his life to take a final shot at James Bond.

而且,如我们将看到的,有许多这样的感知理论,具有不同程度的合理性。Moreover, as we shall see, there are many such theories of perception, of varying degrees of plausibility.

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分析家将会仍然被需要估定样板的结果而且使样板预测的似有道理有效。Analysts will still be needed to assess model results and validate the plausibility of the model predictions.

有关生物学依据的要求不应该过度影响阴性因果关系的考虑。The requirement for biological plausibility should not unduly influence negatively a consideration of causality.

爱你孩子胜过你自己的根深蒂固想法,给亲族选择理论提供了可信性。The feeling that loving your children more than yourself is hard-wired lends plausibility to the theory of kin selection.

计算信度函数和似真函数,据此对所有决策方案进行排序。Finally, the values of belief function and plausibility function can be calculated and used to rank all decision alternatives.

到目前为止,这些想法只不过勉强比信封背面的涂鸦来得好一点,许多评论家对于它们的说服力有一大堆的抱怨。For now, these ideas are barely more than scribbles on the back of an envelope, and critics have myriad complaints about their plausibility.

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在短短两页纸内,有抱负的企业家必须让投资者相信他们的诚恳,以及计划的合理性。In no more than two pages, aspiring entrepreneurs must convince investors of their own integrity, as well as the plausibility of their plan.

他们说,像你这样一个没脸没皮、伶牙俐齿的动物,外加钱袋的力量,没有一条刑法能给你定罪。They said that no criminal laws had ever been known to prevail against cheek and plausibility such as yours, combined with the power of a long purse.

因此,虽然这些结果有很强的生物学的可能性,这些发现可能与参加者使用阿斯匹林的原因有关。Thus, despite the strong biologic plausibility of these results, it is possible that the findings could be related to the reason for which participants used aspirin.

然而,当我们细心留意踏足美国的旅客维克托的命运时,他因行政问题被阻延九个月,颇合情理。However, it is given some plausibility as we follow the fate of Victor H, a visitor to the US who finds himself falling into an administrative crack that lasts for nine months.

将亚拉杜瓦先生选为总统的选举在上月进行得极不顺利,并有谣言说他们连谈一下伪民主的能力都施展不了。The elections that brought Mr Yar'Adua to office last month were so badly run and marred by such widespread rigging that they lacked even a pretence of democratic plausibility.

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更早一些时候,大约中世纪,人们并没有将死亡与恐惧挂钩,人们认为死亡是人生历程中的必经事实因此不须害怕。Immediately prior, during the Middle Ages, people considered death to be far less menacing, as the plausibility of death was more a fact of life, and therefore less frightening.

为评估此类证据,事实认定人须对证人的理解、记忆和真诚性以及证人陈述的内在合理性作出判断。To assess this type of testimony, the fact-finder must make judgments about the witness's perception, memory, and sincerity, as well as the inherent plausibility of his narrative.

两片也都受到历史学家、以及其他那些对Stone所采用的资料的真实性以及他所乐于使用的阴谋论的合理性有所质疑的人的高度诟病。Both have been highly controversial with historians and others who have questioned the reliability of Stone's sources and the plausibility of the conspiracies he appears to embrace.