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带来全新而自然的一天。Bringing a new and unspoiled day.

它是欧洲最大的完全未遭破坏的陆地。It 's the largest, totally unspoiled area in Europe.

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这个岛的魅力在于那未受破坏的自然美。The charm of the island lies in its unspoiled beauty.

这个海滩未受破坏的美景应该要好好的保存。The unspoiled beauty of this beach should be preserved.

正在寻找加勒比海一带最后未遭破坏的海滩吗?Looking for the last unspoiled beaches in the Caribbean?

但是怎麽样乾净的海滩、自然森林和荒野呢?But what about clean beaches, unspoiled forests, and solitude?

这个未受破坏的小村庄,座落在深山之中。The small, unspoiled village is located deep in the mountains.

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在未被污染的天堂一个戏剧性的假期,选择伽亚娜生态度假村。For a dramatic vacation in unspoiled paradise, choose Gayana Eco Resort.

我和你谈话是因为我想和一个朴实的、没有被铜臭熏染的人聊聊!I speak to you because I want to talk to a natural man, unspoiled by money.

波多黎各的别克斯岛是加勒比地区最原始的岛屿之一。Vieques, Puerto Rico is one of the most unspoiled islands of the Caribbean.

它也是最偏僻的,这就解释了南极洲为什么会成为一片没被污染的环境。It is also the remotest, a fact which accounts for its unspoiled environment.

它位于华欣西部的丛林地带,即将被开发。Located west of Hua Hin this unspoiled jungle area, is waiting to be explored.

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不过目前那里的环境基本上没受过污染,除了全球气候变暖正在扩大的影响。The environment is largely unspoiled but global warming is having a rapid impact.

在大红花度假村及水疗中心的经验,马来西亚真正的原始之美。Experience the true unspoiled beauty of Malaysia at Bunga Raya Island Resort & Spa.

岛上未遭破坏的礁岩与数百种海洋生物使它成为潜水者的天堂。Its unspoiled reefs and hundreds of species of marine life make it a diver's dream.

阿尔卑斯山的森林仍是原始林区,未遭工业破坏。The forests on the Alps are still in pristine region, unspoiled by industrialization.

在这里,你可以游泳,也可以散步,都能够享受到这个岛内原始质朴的自然景观。You can swim or walk together and enjoy the unspoiled pristine nature of this island.

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象他那样有才能的人是罕见的,而功成名就之后依然保持本色的人更少见。Few fellows had talents like his and fewer still could remain unspoiled by such success.

不丹允许少数游客入境,观光尚未遭到污染的人间仙境。Bhutan began to admit small number of tourists eager for a glimpse of an unspoiled Shangri-La.

利比亚的绿山完全没有受到污染,有丰沛的土壤、峡谷,及希腊的遗迹。The Green Mountain in Libya is a virtually unspoiled region of fertile land, gorges and Greek ruins.