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强尼·戴普!Johnny Depp!

约翰尼·丰塔纳站起来。Johnny Fontane got up.

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约翰尼卡什在Folsom监狱吗?Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison?

乔尼.玛斯也是这么认为的。Johnny Mathis thinks so, too.

乌鸦约翰尼总是掘土和播种。Johnny Crow would dig and sow.

他全速跑向琼尼。He ran full speed toward Johnny.

约翰尼狼吞虎咽地吃下了冷火腿。Johnny tucked into the cold ham.

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你想强尼是她杀的吗?You think she killed johnny boz ?

他最喜欢的演员是强尼戴普。His favorite actor is Johnny Depp.

约翰·格拉盖,就是你的人了。Johnny Gallegher's your man, Miss.

给我们唱首歌怎么样,约翰尼?How about giving us a song, Johnny?

对乔尼-昌-李有什么想法吗?Any thoughts about Johnny Chung Lee?

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James指控Johnny偷了他的的车子。James charged Johnny thieve his cars.

彭尼有一只名叫‘约翰尼’的宠物狗。Penny has a pet dog named ' Johnny '.

她是强尼戴普的死忠影迷。She is a die-hard fan of Johnny Deep.

洗你那脏的有了泥条的脸去,琼尼。Wash your dirty streaky face, Johnny.

对约翰鸦来说,等待已经结束。And for Johnny rook, the wait is over.

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对乔尼-昌-李有什么想法吗?Any thoughts nosmost Johnny Chung Lee?

唏,你最近如何?约翰尼怎样?Hey, what's up with you? How's Johnny?

“情况并没有那么严重,”他对约翰昵说。"Things aren't so bad, " he told Johnny.