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登陆Ebates或者你选择的回馈站点。Log into Ebates or rebate site of your choice.

邀请好友首次购买返利10元!Invite friends buy rebate 10 yuan for the first time.

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申请这个折扣只需要花一分钟时间。It only takes a minute to submit a request for a rebate.

买了商品后,你得填一个返款表格。After buying the product, you need to fill out the rebate form.

原因之一,因为这是一种回扣程式无出其右。One of the reasons for this is a rebate program second to none.

我身不由己,从一家公司收受了一大笔回扣。I've involuntarily accepted a large amount of rebate from a company.

下单之后,所获得的返利立刻出现在我的账户内。After the purchases, the rebate appeared instantly in my CashBack account.

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如6小时内体温不退再给一次观察治疗效果。If the body temperature within 6 hours to give a rebate observed treatment.

最近想弄个淘宝返利网,这类网站前景好吗?Recent want to figure Taobao rebate network, prospects of such sites please?

你知道,上交耗油的旧车,购买新车时可以获得折扣。You know, while you turn in the old gas guzzler, you get a rebate on a new vehicle.

再就是他的代理产品销售到某个数量级时,厂家有可观的返点。Then, it took him to a sales agent of magnitude, the manufacturers a substantial rebate.

境内货物进入保税物流中心视同出口离境,入中心即退税。Goods from domestic China are regarded as exports and enjoy VAT rebate when entering BLC.

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这是一种由木制,金属制或其他适宜材料组成的条状物,它会对玻璃的保存质量大打折扣。A strip of wood, metal or other suitable material attached to the rebate to retain the glass.

在此之前购买的1998年-2003退税政策已经实施了上海。Prior to purchase tax rebate policy in the years 1998 -2003 have been implemented in Shanghai.

另外国人得以在台之国内帐户或国库支票办理退税。Furthermore, rebate for income tax shall be given through assigned bank account or treasury check.

二是提高抗艾滋病药物等高技术含量、高附加值商品的出口退税率。Export tax rebate rate on high-tech and high value-added products such as anti-AIDS drug is raised.

作为对大赌客的奖励之一,无论输赢,赌场都会返还一定的赌金。As one of various incentives to high-rollers, casinos offer a rebate to them whether they win or lose.

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有关回赠金额将于2011年11月30日或之前直接存入客户之香港宽频账户内。The rebate amount will be credited to the eligible customer's HKBN account on or before 30 November 2011.

参展商报名后参展途中退出,参展所付订金不退。After participating exhibitors way for the withdrawal of the deposit and no rebate paid by the exhibitors.

烟、酒等特类商品、酒店推出的特价活动及会议室不提供给会员打折优惠。Cigarette, alcohol and other special goods, special offers and conference room can not rebate for members.