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这套衣服裁制得很好。The suit was well tailored.

裁缝给他缝制了一套衣服。The tailor tailored him a suit.

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这套衣服裁制得很漂亮。The suit was beautifully tailored.

他的夹克裁制得很漂亮。His jacket is beautifully tailored.

裁制合适的上衣应该很合身。A well- tailored jacket ought to set well.

某事是为了取悦某人而设计和加工。Sth is designed and tailored to please sb.

这是一本为迎合大众口味而创作的小说。This is a novel tailored to popular taste.

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她的衣服是由一位著名的设计师裁制的。Her clothing is tailored by a famous designer.

我是马修。请问我的西装缝好了没有?This is Matthew. Has my suit been tailored yet?

整体衣柜的设计以人为本,量身定做。Integral chest design people-oriented, tailored.

在站点上你可以链接到裁剪的过程上。In it you will have links to the tailored process.

此外亦欢迎自助组团出发。Sama Tours also have tailored made group itinerary.

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该产品适用于小站点或者博客用户。The service is tailored for small websites and blogs.

无线电空中接口使电耗达到最小“蓝牙”基本技术概要Air interface tailored to minimize current consumption

这套剪裁讲究的裤装非常适合正式的会议。This tailored pantsuit is perfect for formal meetings.

她说这正是一个专门性政策有用之处。And that's where a tailored message might help, she said.

在苏茜的世界,每个人的天堂都是量身定做的。In Susie's world, each person's heaven is custom tailored.

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它使用了一项可以在任何时候都能评测的过程。It uses a process that can be tailored whenever necessary.

她穿着定制的合身外套和有菱形花纹的袜子,看上去美极了。She was ravishing in her tailored jackets and argyle socks.

但赵丹阳或许可以得到巴老为他量身定做的至理名言。Danyang Zhao but perhaps he can be tailored to Balao wisdom.