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您还会发现轮盘赌,二十一点,百家乐浮式和拉氏,等等。You'll also find Roulette , Blackjack , Baccarat Pontoon and Rummy, among others.

简要介绍某型特种舟桥器材在海上的应用。The application of the special type pontoon on the sea is introduced in this article.

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考虑舟体抗沉性要求,探讨了填充泡沫铝合金舟体的承载力。Then the load-carrying capacity of foam-filled aluminium alloy pontoon hull is studied.

文中还提出了在船尾部安装浮筒以克服尾弯的新措施。A new way overcoming tipping is proposed by fixing a pontoon at stern and shown to be efficient.

1942年7月31日,一支德国摩托化炮兵纵队正在通过浮桥横渡顿河。A German motorized artillery column crossing the Don river by means of a pontoon bridge on July 31, 1942.

成群的加州海驴,睡在美国加州旧金山港39号码头的浮桥上。Sea lions sleep on a pontoon dock at Pier 39 in the harbor of San Francisco, California November 8, 2005.

当摩西来到红海时,他让他的工兵建造了一座浮桥,所有的人都安全地通过。When he got to the Red Sea, he had his engineers build a pontoon bridge, and all the people walked across safely.

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介绍一个基于视觉的动作实时识别系统,该系统用于在门桥模拟训练中对旗语动作进行识别。This paper describes a real-time vision based system for pontoon signer's training through gesture recognition and tracking.

与此同时,阿姆斯特丹的一个船厂正在改装一艘大型平底驳船,这艘驳船是用来运送被打捞起来的“库尔斯克”号的。In an Amsterdam shipyard, meanwhile, a massive pontoon is being modified for use in transporting the sub to a dock once it's lifted.

结合工程实例介绍了多节浮箱式检修闸门的设计方法及设计要点。Taking the engineering example, the design method and design point of bulkhead gate with muti-nodal floating pontoon are introduced.

针对大船下水激起的波浪造成固定趸船锚链断裂的问题,分析了大船下水激起的波态是孤立波。用近似方法确定了孤立波的波高。The wave from vessel's launch causes crack of mooring chain for fixing pontoon and is considered to be solitary wave through analyses.

通过对滑坡涌浪危害程度的预测,可以指导库内浮船的设计及安全定位,保证浮船的安全运行。Through predicting the hazard of landslide surge, it can guide the design and security positioning of pontoon to ensure its safe running.

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坐在摩托浮艇的两名驾船者全身湿透了,这条洪水暴涨的的河流是美国亚利桑那州大峡谷国家公园科罗拉多河。Rafters aboard a motorized pontoon boat get a thorough soaking on the rain-swollen Colorado River in Arizona's Grand Canyon National Park.

亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔是发明家及飞行术先驱。图为1930年代,他帮助一个男孩在一架西科斯基S-38水陆两栖飞行器的浮筒上保持平衡。Alexander Graham Bell, inventor and aviation pioneer, helps a boy balance on the pontoon of a Sikorsky S-38 amphibious aircraft in the 1930s.

另一个目的,我的发明是为了提供一个浮动,浮桥或船体的第一个飞机将有决定的属性的横向稳定性。Another object of my invention is to provide a float, pontoon or hull section for a plane that will have decided attributes of lateral stability.

借助第5代港口平底船起重机在宽广水域的操作,我们的浮吊技术成功地应用入新的区域。With the Generation 5 Harbour Pontoon Crane, for operation on open seas, our successful Floating Crane technology has entered into new dimensions.

福建省泉州明辉轻工机械有限公司座落在泉州鲤城区浮桥黄石工业区,交通方便,地理环境优美,人才辈出。Ltd. is located in Quanzhou Licheng District pontoon Yellowstone Industrial Park, traffic Convenient geographical location beautiful, talented people.

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本文针对两种不同舟型的分置式舟桥,运用CFD方法进行方案评估和选优。Two pontoon raft models with different types of pontoon were studied for selecting a pontoon with higher hydrodynamic performance by using CFD method.

在中国撤军后,谅山的越南人在祈纲河上架起临时的木筏,因为现存的桥梁已经垮塌。Following the Chinese retreat, Vietnamese in Lang Son province ford the Ky Cuong River on makeshift pontoon rafts, as the existing bridge sits collapsed.

舟桥装备的高流速适应性评价是评估装备渡河工程保障能力的重要组成部分。The assessment of the adaptability of pontoon bridge equipment in high velocity current is an important part of the strength of crossing engineering guarantee.