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我的情人是一只温柔的梅花鹿,一匹母性的梅花鹿。My sweetheart is a gentle sika, a maternal sika.

“我叫虫子,专吃大虫。”梅花鹿不紧不慢地回答。"I called bugs, turn to eat. " Sika deer takes to answer.

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梅花鹿所产的鹿茸是鹿茸中的最上品。Sika deer is a deer antler velvet produced by the most in the top grade.

夜晚,四只年轻的梅花鹿聚集吃草。Four of young Sika deer gathered at the meadow to eat grass in the night.

西卡中国集团是瑞士西卡集团在华的全资子公司。Sika China Group is the fully-owned subsidiary of Swiss Sika Group in China.

建立梅花鹿鹿茸软骨细胞的分离培养方法,培养鹿茸软骨细胞。The methods of isolation and culture sika deer antler chondrocytes were established.

迫切需要采取有力措施加强对野生梅花鹿的保护。Urgent strategies are needed for the protection of South China Sika Deer subspecies.

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为了证明梅花鹿铜缺乏综合征的发生与饲料铜含量的关系,以含铜3。One hundred and thirty one sika deer reared in pen were fed with diet containing Cu 3.

这是一片霜封的舞台,汇集了丹顶鹤,大天鹅,梅花鹿,雪猴等动物。A frosted stage gathers red-crowned cranes, whooper swans, sika deer, and snow monkeys.

西卡凭着卓越品质和产品多样化雄踞中国市场。With excellent quality and product diversification, Sika are in a top position in Chinese market.

它是以梅花鹿或其它鹿种为原材料,在原料、产品市场上都具有绝对的优势。It's said the safest medicine and food cure cordial. It takes sika or other deer species as raw material.

雪花落在树枝上,毛茸茸的,亮晶晶的,像梅花鹿探出的小角,又像随风飘舞的银丝。Snowflakes fall on branches of trees, on furry, shiny, like a sika deer out of small Angle, and as with silver.

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据悉,梅花鹿和长鬃山羊均由台北市动物园所赠,以此与大陆赴台熊猫相互交换。The Taipei Zoo made the offer last year to donate a sika deer duo and a Formosan serow duo in return for a mainland panda pair.

西卡公司现已成为隧道矿山工程业外加剂供应商的领头羊,处在此类产品研发的最前沿。Sika has become the leading supplier of Tunnel and Mining products being at the forefront of research and development in this field.

为了解不同浓度的氨化玉米秸秆对梅花鹿幼鹿营养物质消化率和生产性能的影响。Effect of urea treated corn stalk on dietary nutrient digestion and weight gain in the period of growing sika deer were investigated.

2001年对吉林省11个国营养鹿场人工饲养的梅花鹿三杈茸和二杠茸的各种氨基酸进行了对比分析。Sixteen amino acid contents of three-branched and two-branched velvet antler of sika deer from 11 deer farms were determined in the year 2000 and 2001.

根据协议,北京向台湾捐赠两只大熊猫,台湾则回赠了梅花鹿与长鬃山羊两种动物。Under the deal, Beijing offers the island two pandas and receives a Formosa sika deer and a Formosa serow, which is a goat-like or antelope-like mammal.

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匆忙中二太子忘了将龙角隐去,所以梅花鹿的角,至今仍同龙角一般模样。But in their hurry the prince has forgotten to do anything to their dragon horns. That is why, people say, sika deer have antlers looking like dragon horns.

主要对近年来鹿茸及鹿产品在国际贸易及国内市场的养殖现状和发展前景进行了综述。The paper reviewed the current situation and developing prospects of sika antler and products in the international trade and domestic market in the recent years.

这是一片霜封的舞台,汇集了丹顶鹤,大天鹅,梅花鹿,雪猴等动物。日本能够将他们对动物的古老崇敬转化成现代?。A frosted stage gathers red-crowned cranes, whooper swans, sika deer, and snow monkeys. Can Japan turn an ancient reverence for its animals into modern conservation?