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介绍了旋膜式除氧器的主要结构和工作原理。The main structures and work principle of Rotating-film deaerator was introduced.

除氧器低位露天布置可以大大降低工程造价。The low-level arrangement of the deaerator can greatly reduce the engineering cost.

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一次性投资较小,增强除氧设备的温度缓冲。The smaller one-time investment, enhance the temperature buffer Deaerator equipment.

以除氧器系统为例,给出了模块化建模基本方法。As an example of deaerator system, the basic modularization modeling method is presented.

本机是果汁、果茶生产线中的必备设备之一。The deaerator is one of the necessary equipment in fruit juice or fruit tea production line.

本文介绍了无除氧器回热系统在国外的使用情况。This paper introduces the application of feed water regenerative heating system without deaerator abroad.

凝结水由凝结水泵送入低压加热器并最终回到除氧器内,完成一个循环。Condensate from the condensate pump into the low pressure heater and finally back to deaerator complete a cycle.

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介绍了在某厂进行的旋膜式除氧器性能试验的主要数据,并据此评价了这种除氧器的实际除氧效果。Based on the data of rotating-film deaerator performance test done at some power plant, the deaerating effect was evaluated.

试验研究了除氧器丝网圈的除氧特性以及丝网膜式除氧器的负荷特性。The deaeration characteristics of net in deaerator, and the load characteristics of netted film type deaerator were studied.

无除氧器热力系统可使回热系统得到简化,并提高其可靠性及经济性。Thermodynamic system without deaerator helps simplify the regenerative subsystem and improves its reliability and economics.

通过控制正常条件下进入除气器的冷凝物进口流来控制除气器级别。The deaerator level shall be controlled by controlling the condensate inlet flow into the deaerator during normal conditions.

进而对除氧器用锅炉启动疏水消能装置的研制和应用作了扼要的介绍。The development and application of drain energy-relief device for deaerator started up by boiler have briefly been introduced.

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任何低压给水器和最低冷凝压力的中断不会影响除气器的性能。Outage of any low pressure feed water heater and minimum condenser pressure shall not affect deaerator performance in any manner.

同时对无除氧器热力系统的发展优势和复合凝结水真空式凝汽器的结构做了分析。In addition , the advantage of the regenerative system without deaerator and the structure of mixed vacuum condenser are analyzed.

旋膜式除氧器可保证锅炉给水除氧效果,延长电站机组运行寿命。The deaerator can guarantee the deaerating effect of the boiler water and prolong the operation life of machines in power station.

该泵将来自凝结水泵的凝结水,通过低压加热器输送到除氧器。This pump takes the condensate water sent from the condensate pump and supplies it to the deaerator through the low-pressure heater.

对于汽轮机系统,分别对除氧器、表面式加热器、凝汽器典型扰动下的瞬态过程进行了仿真,并对仿真结果进行了分析。For the steam turbine system, transient processes in the deaerator closedheater and condenser are simulated , and the results are studied.

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旋膜式除氧器是70年代末,在原膜式除氧器的基础上,经研究创新而设计制造的。Rotational film deaerator was designed and made by investigating and innovating in the late 1970s, which based on original film deaerator.

就其低加组及除氧器水位自动调节系统而言,按其原设计的方案是无法投入自动的。For example low-pressure heater and deaerator automatic regulators could not be put into automatic operation according to original design scheme.

对各种热力除氧器进行了比较,并着重阐述了旋膜式热力除氧器的特点与性能。In this paper, a relatively advanced thermal deaerator of spinning film type was introduced, and its technical features and economy were evaluated.