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这是一些新书的内容提要。This is the synopsis for some new books.

提交一份其书面材料的大纲provide a synopsis of their written submission

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别忘了,此提要只为用户提供一个梗概。Recall that this feed provides only a synopsis to the user.

我听说是没有剧本的。他们只有一个大纲。Akik I heard there wasn't a script. They only had a synopsis.

平均每个家庭已拥有一件体育器材。Synopsis. Each family has, on average, at least one sports requisite.

您也可以将个人简介、电影作品目录及参赛作品介绍作为附件寄来。Biographies, filmographies and synopsis can also be sent on a separate sheet.

从一个粉丝的角度来分析宇智波兄弟之间的关系。A short synopsis of the relationship between the Uchiha brothers from the P. O. V.

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今天和王家卫一起做了故事分析,做到我所能做到的最好。Did a story breakdown for WKW today----and turned it into as good a synopsis as I could.

随后对各种混淆变换作了简要的叙述和评论。Then a synopsis and a review of following categories of obfuscating transformations are given.

第一章对影视广告的发展概况作简要概述。Chapter 1's development to showbiz advertisement general situation makes a synopsis to say all.

下面这简短的概要能够证明山竹果对过敏性鼻炎的治疗疗效。What follows is a brief synopsis of one testimonial relating to allergic rhinitis and mangosteen use.

此外,他为欧几里得系统论述几何的十二卷专著写了精彩的概要。In addition, he wrote a brilliant synopsis of Euclid's twelve-volume systematic treatment of geometry.

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它包括了商业计划的总纲,并标出要强调的重点部分。The Executive Summary offers synopsis of the business plan, and highlights the key points raised within.

记住写出每个工作中关于你的职责的简单摘要,因为职位头衔常常不代表什么。Remember to give a brief synopsis of your responsibilities at each job because job titles don’t mean much.

他交给我们一份他在回国途经巴黎时准备同蓬皮杜讨论的问题摘要。He gave us a synopsis of what he proposed to discuss with Pompidou when he stopped in Paris on the way home.

导论部分简要定义政治哲学及略叙托尼的学术价值。There is a Synopsis definition on political philosophy and a slightly describe the scholarship value of Tawney.

这是一个简短的录像关于如何使用狩猎和捕获规例简介由猎牌班教练余大想编排。This is a brief video on how to use the Hunting & Trapping Regulation Synopsis prepared by instructor Sandy Yu.

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它很好的展现了吴京意欲达到的视觉风格,后面的一张照片则给出了剧情梗概。This thing gives a good look at the style Wu's aiming for visually and the rear shot gives a detailed synopsis.

索赔处理人可以将以下介绍作为获得本书余下部分内容的信息概要。A claims handler can refer to these pages as a synopsis of the information contained in the remainder of this book.

本书的速记大纲把这一框架说成控制论研究的最新现状。A short -hand synopsis of Out of Control would be to say it is an update on the current state of cybernetic research.