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种田苦。Farming is hard.

他靠务农过活。He lives by farming.

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农业和园艺业。Farming and gardening.

爱你的耕墨。Love your farming ink.

它是密集型的农业There is intensive farming.

添加新蔵养殖厂!Added new Kura farming plant!

农业耕作支持着我们的社会。Farming underpins our society.

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我可没有操持农事的本事。I couldn’t have managed farming.

气候还是太冷而不适宜农耕。It is still too cold for farming.

愿上帝保佑他吧,他孩子也耕作吗God bless him. Is his son farming?

办工厂化畜牧场真的省钱吗?。Is factory farming really cheaper?

但我们至少可以挽救农事。But at least we could save farming.

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苏明娟出生于一个贫困农民家庭。The daughter of a poor farming family.

许昌裕昌畜牧有限公司。Xuchang yuchang stock farming co. ltd.

喜欢捉鱼、看鱼和养鱼。Catch fish , see fish and fish farming.

弗雷德靠种田勉强度日。Fred eked out a bare living by farming.

他说养羊没有赚头。He says that sheep farming doesn't pay.

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这是令人鼓舞的现象,农业也是如此。That is encouraging. So is the farming.

所以跳出农门,是我们小时候的渴望。So jump farming door, is when we desire.

是农耕民族所崇拜的神物。The farming tribes worship it very much.