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白鱀豚的脑表现出典型的鲸脑特征。The Lipotes brain exhibits typical cetacean characteristics.

人们相信,抹香鲸比其他鲸类动物潜得更深。The sperm whale is believe to dive deeper than any other cetacean.

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人们相信,抹香鲸比其他鲸类动物潜得更深。The sperm whale is believed to dive deeper than any other cetacean.

鲸类专家对于鲸鱼能完全逃离油污带不抱希望。Cetacean experts do not expect whales to escape this slick completely.

头骨也缺少一个气孔,这是鲸鱼用来适应水下潜水进化而成的。The skull also lacks a blowhole, another cetacean adaptation for diving.

你也会有来自海豚鲸鱼的美妙歌声的协助。You are also to assist with the song and ritual of your Cetacean allies.

人们相信,抹香鲸比其他鲸类动物潜得更深。It is believed that the sperm whale dives deeper than any other cetacean.

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任何人类已知的鲸类动物都因经过日本附近而濒临灭绝。Every cetacean known to man is endangered just by going anywhere near Japan.

所有人类已知的鲸类,只要靠近日本,就将遭受灭顶之灾。Every cetacean known to man is endangered, just by going angwhere near Japan.

如果你一定要吃鲸鱼,那么鲸鱼干肉会比鲜鱼肉来得更美味。If you must have whale, cetacean biltong is more palatable than the fresh stuff.

对鲸豚有多些了解,才能更有效地进行保育工作。Getting more information about them, more can be done to conserve these cetacean.

奥莫卡是一家与日本鲸鱼研究学会保持联系的公司。Omeka is a public relations firm retained by Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research.

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贝克指出,在鲸豚类中,只有突吻鲸和独角鲸具有獠牙。Beaked whales and the narwhal are the only cetacean species with tusks, according to Baker.

近百张火车头的肖像,象是从海里冲上岸自杀的巨鲸。The locomotives in the paintings looks like a group of suicide cetacean rushing towards the shore.

美国鲸类学会建立于1967年,是世界上最早的鲸类观察组织。Founded in 1967, the American Cetacean Society is the oldest whale conservation group in the world.

根据我们所知道的情况,我猜鲸目动物文化介于人类和黑猩猩之间。Based on what we know, I’d guess that cetacean culture is intermediate between humans and chimpanzees.

他现在除了参与巴基斯坦的鲸豚研究外,也在美国一所大学任教。He now works on the cetacean conservation project in Pakistan and also teaching in a university in USA.

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日本人捕杀海豚和他们的大型近亲鲸鱼没有上千年也有几百年了。People in Japan have hunted dolphins and their larger cetacean relatives, whales, for hundreds if not thousands of years.

葛洛说,尽管有关灵长类动物人格的证据依然比有关鲸目动物人格的证据多,不断累积的研究成果“必将开始使倾斜这个天平。”Though there’s still more evidence for primate than cetacean personhood, Gero said accumulating research “will start tipping the scales.”

本周在芬兰赫尔辛基举行的「鲸豚权益」会议,即关于海洋哺乳类动物待遇的「道德与法律转变之促进」。A conference in Helsinki this week, called "Cetacean Rights, " is about "fostering moral and legal change" concerning the treatment of marine mammals.