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今天WWF估计那里只有350只了。Today, WWF estimates there areonly about 350 there.

请将详情向渔护署及自然基金会报告,以便跟进。谢!Please send the details to AFCD or WWF for follow-up.

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WWF希望能够增加警惕,还有组织偷猎的基金。The WWF hopes to raise awareness and funds to stop thepoaching.

大家好,我是世界自然基金会全球总干事詹姆斯·李普。Hello, I'm James Leape, Director General of WWF of International.

WWF每月两次的清晨雀鸟调查记录简表可在这里下载。WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.

本会职员调查大屿山东涌河的污染情况。WWF staff investigating pollution in the Tung Chung River on Lantau.

马克•埃克斯坦,世界自然基金会美国分会国际金融主管。Mark Eckstein is the managing director of international finance at WWF US.

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世界野生动物基金会估计,新电厂的碳排放将为每年六百九十万吨。WWF estimates the new plant's carbon emissions will be 6.9m tonnes a year.

对WWF的捐助可直接交给桑加三国信托基金。Contributions to WWF can be directed to the Sangha Tri National Trust Fund.

世界自然基金会在30个国家设有办事处,其中一个设在北京。The meeting was held in Beijing, where WWF has one of its 30 national offices.

但是5年之前为wwf工作的研究员在野外发现okapi的踪迹。But five years ago researchers working for the WWF found okapi tracks in the wild.

世界自然基金会从1999年开始支持中国的国际重要湿地申请与加入工作。In 1999, WWF began supporting the nomination and gazetting of Ramsar sites in China.

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奥巴马说他平时不看有线新闻网,因为“它就像世界摔跤联盟在角力。”Obama says he doesn’t watch the cable news networks, because “it feels like WWF wrestling.”

飞毯,请带我回家去,我可以告诉世界自然基金会,我们可以开始生产这种新药。Flying carpet, please take me home so I can tell WWF and we can begin producing this new drug.

世界天然基金会喷鼻港分会属世界天然基金会国际网络的一分子。We are an independent part of the global WWF network whose headquarters are based in Switzerland.

请签署世界自然基金会的请愿信以保护我们的大鸦洲-我们将来的海岸公园。I've just signed that. Please help to protect our Soko Islands by signing the petition letter in WWF.

世界自然基金会公布数据显示,世界上野生苏门答腊象总数不超过3350头。WWF released data show that the total number of the world's wild Sumatran elephants are not over 3350.

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总体来讲,此次活动发起方估计,全世界数千万人参与了“拯救地球一小时”活动。All in all, the WWF estimated that tens of millions of people around the world participated in Earth Hour.

世界自然基金会在中国开展工作的另外一个重要领域是保护淡水资源和生物多样性。Another area that is a priority for WWF in China is conservation of freshwater resources and biodiversity.

「这块地区仍然维持天然野生的状态,并且在生态上密切相关,」WWF的妮塔˙玛嘉妮说。"This is an area that is still in its natural state and is ecologically connected, " said Nita Murjani of WWF.