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我们大部分课用的是我们叫做苏格拉底方法进行教学的,So most of our classes are taught by what we call Socratic method

因此医学院没有苏格拉底式的对话也就不足为奇了。We should not be surprised there is no Socratic dialogue with Hippocrates.

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对于海德格尔来说,人的这种堕落开始于前苏格拉底时代。For Heidegger this loss, or forgetting, of Being had set in since pre- Socratic times.

哲学及苏格拉底式的哲学,需要朋友,同伴及对话。Philosophy and certainly Socratic philosophy requires friends, comrades, conversations.

你能描述一下你决定将巴塔哥尼亚带向环境维护的方向所使用的苏格拉底模式吗?Can you describe your Socratic process when you decided to take Patagonia in a sustainable direction?

当1787年这幅画在沙龙里展出时,立即被公认为以苏格拉底之死为题材的画中的极品。When the picture was exhibited at the Salon of 1787, it was at once judged the finest of the Socratic ends.

这不只是不切实际,苏格拉底所把持的,是一种我们也许该称为,苏格拉底式的现实主义。It would seem far from being unrealistic, Socrates engages what we might call maybe a kind of Socratic realism.

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但那个公式迫使我们回到,原始的苏格拉底式问题,即有关灵魂与城市的和谐。But that formula forces us to return to the original Socratic question about the harmony of the soul and the city.

象柏拉图对话中所例示的那样雄伟的苏格拉底式辩论法,就是我所说的这种办法。The Socratic dialectics, so magnificently exemplified in the dialogues of Plato, were a contrivance of this description.

若要回答这些问题,我们必须探讨一下,新型苏格拉底式公民的定义。To try to answer those questions we would have to look a little bit at what is meant by this new kind of Socratic citizen.

这个非常苏格拉底式的方法不能是无法无天的天性的崩塌、耗尽、疾患和解体的一个信号?Could not this very Socratic way be a sign of collapse, exhaustion, sickness, and the dissolution of the anarchic instinct?

著名的苏格拉底式辩论法,基本上,仍全盘维持旧时前苏格拉底式的,斗争与战斗文化。The famed Socratic method of argumentation is basically all that remains of the older pre-Socratic culture of struggle and combat.

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著名的苏格拉底式辩论法,基本上,仍全盘维持旧时前苏格拉底式的,斗争与战斗文化。The famed Socratic method of argumentation is basically all that remains of the older pre-Socratic culture of struggle and combat.

苏格拉底创造了自己的传播哲学的方法,但这也同时被误解,受到了雅典人的猜疑,认为他的哲学腐蚀了年轻的一代。Thus he creates the Socratic Method, as well as arousing suspicions among some citizens of Athens that he is a corrupter of youth.

但这种方法也很是让人激动,我听有学生说在采用苏格拉底教学法时他们会觉得脑袋越来越灵光。But it is also thrilling. I have heard students say that they could feel their brains getting bigger because of the Socratic method.

他通过提问启发思想的作法被现今很多老师借鉴,这种教学方法被称为“苏格拉底法”。His style of stimulating thought through question asking has been adopted by many modern teachers and is known as the Socratic method.

苏格拉底在这儿,所提的事件代,表著名的“苏格拉底转向,即苏格拉底的第二次启航。That incident that Socrates tells here represents what one could call " the famous Socratic turn Socrates' second sailing so to speak.

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在希腊及帝国时期,苏格拉抵「照顾自己」的观念,成为共同及普及性的哲学主题。In the Hellenistic and imperial periods, the Socratic notion of "taking care of oneself" became a common, universal philosophical theme.

苏格拉底"产婆术"在法理学教学中既有值得借鉴的价值,又有需要克服的局限性。The Socratic Method by Socrates in the Jurisprudence teaching has both the value worthy of reference and the limitations to be overcome.

在苏格拉底的对话录,薛诺丰、希波克拉提思、及阿比那思以降的新柏拉图传统,我们都必须关心到自己。In the Socratic dialogues, in Xenophon, Hippocrates, and in the Neoplatonist tradition from Albinus on, one had to be concerned with oneself.