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茶叶走味了。The tea has lost its flavour.

这茶味好极了。The tea has a wonderful flavour.

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你们一般吃什么味的?What flavour do you usually get?

我喜欢风格泼辣的文章。I like essays with an acrid flavour.

全草性寒,味苦。Cold in property , bitter in flavour.

乔说,黑松露气味和味道辛辣。It has a pungent , odour and flavour.

这张报纸有体育运动的特色。This newspaper has a sporting flavour.

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葡萄味甘酸,性平。Grape flavour is acerbity, sexual flat.

有些鹿肉尝起来和牛肉差不多。Some venison resembles beef in flavour.

它们希望,染香周围的土壤。They hope to flavour the surrounding soil.

“味”最早出现在李仁老的诗文中。Flavour" first appeared in Yi Il-lo's poems."

可以隐约觉得有一点柠檬味。One can faintly discern the flavour of lemon.

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这酸奶有一种香甜的奶油味。This yoghurt has a deliciously creamy flavour.

本月,Tweetie成了苹果用户的最爱。Tweetie is flavour of the month for Mac users.

椰林棕榈,热带风味。Coconut trees and palms have a tropical flavour.

她很喜欢吃蔻蔻味道的冰淇淋。She likes ice-cream and cocoa flavour very much.

这些作品具有浓郁的农村生活气息。These works have a strong flavour of rural life.

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我们的特殊装罐方法能保存味道。Our special canning process seals the flavour in.

这首诗有民歌风味。This poem has the distinctive flavour of a ballad.

这部电影保存了原着的许多异国情调。The film retains much of the book's exotic flavour.