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显然他那些小孩般的抱怨也不讨人喜欢。And the brattish whining is distinctly unattractive.

我的会计是一位很难看的德国中年妇女。My bookkeeper is a big unattractive German middleaged woman.

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报纸上讲的事情没注意到这演员平平庸庸的过去。The newspaper stories played down the actor's unattractive past.

戒烟,就能消除香烟带给你的头发和衣服里的那股气味。and in your hair and clothes. This is unattractive to nonsmokers

这样就可以了,如果出现过多的字体,会显得紧凑、不美观。The use of more fonts will make the page look busy and unattractive.

大多数现代化的住宅都有一个通病——实用但不美观。Most modern houses are much of a muchness—functional but unattractive.

表明你对希望为之效力的雇主的情况曾下过一番功夫了解。It shows an unattractive indifference to your employer and to your job.

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拥有一般的智商和外貌出众比聪明但外貌不出众更好。It’s better to be average and good- looking than brilliant and unattractive.

我的这对胶靴是美国制造的,价格便宜,样子不讨好,并且是棕色的,但结实耐穿。Mine are American-made and inexpensive and unattractive and brown and sturdy.

这是一个不吸引人的工作,但是我情不自禁地被现场所干扰。It is an unattractive business, but I cannot claim to be disturbed by the scene.

人们已经厌倦了浪费时间和金钱约会‘恐龙’‘青蛙’网友了。People are fed up wasting time and money meeting unattractive people on the net.

我喜欢这个把所有东西都放在一个地方的主意,特别是那些毫无吸引力的家庭健身器材!I love the idea of a place for everything, especially unattractive home gym equipment!

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假如你形容一个处所罂荒凉,你的意思是它看起来冷,空,没有吸引力。If you describe a place as bleak , you mean that it looks cold, empty, and unattractive.

貌美之人乍一看就不会,而相貌平平的则做不到。They're getting the benefit of the doubt at first sight, and unattractive people aren't.

如果你的长相或体型不那么吸引人,你可能早就觉得要为此牺牲一些东西。If you’re unattractive in face or body, you probably learned early on that you pay a price.

由于果实损伤而外观不美,常常引起经销人与水果生产者互相责怪。The merchandiser and the fruit grower have blamed each other for bruised unattractive fruit.

咬指甲不会对你的健康造成伤害,但是会使你的指甲看起来相当不美观。Nail biting isn't harmful to your health, but it can make your nails look pretty unattractive.

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当她打扮不漂亮时,她怎么评价,他们也不怎么在乎。When she was made to look unattractive they didn't really care what kind of information she gave.

不过小山脊那边有两个长相一般的中学老师浑身散发着饥渴的气息。But just over young ridge are two not unattractive middle school teachers who reek of desperation.

“从这个意义上说,网上交友似乎并没有给那些魅力稍逊的人提供上场机会”。In this sense, online dating does not seem to level the playing field for unattractive individuals.