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梵蒂冈城可谓是“麻雀虽小,肝胆俱全”!Vatican City is all grown up.

梵帝冈这周公布了这封信的内容。The Vatican released the letter this week.

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中国于1951年和梵蒂冈断交。Beijing severed ties with the Vatican in 1951.

梵蒂冈说,它希望撤掉这段文字。The Vatican said it wanted the caption removed.

我们还去了梵蒂冈。And we went to visit the Vatican. It was humongous!

梵蒂冈迅速对贝纳通的广告做出了回应。The campaign got a quick reaction from the Vatican.

他还将访问梵蒂冈,随后将前往加纳访问。He will also visit the Vatican before leaving for Ghana.

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梵蒂冈反对堕胎和人工避孕。The Vatican opposes abortion and artificial contraception.

在梵音袅袅中,冷却的是拥有的患得患失。In the Vatican sound waves , cooling is already have got lost.

在梵蒂冈,向导领我们参观了一座朱庇特巨像。The guide showed us a colossal statue of Jupiter , in the Vatican.

然后他将访问德国、英国、法国、意大利和梵蒂冈。He will also visit Germany, Britain, France, Italy and the Vatican.

这就像去梵谛冈寻找伊斯兰教徒一样。It is like looking at the Vatican site to find out all about Islam.

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梵蒂冈域的东南面是圣·彼得广场。The Vatican City is bounded on the southeast by St. Peter's Square.

梵蒂冈方面表示,该女子在一年前就策划一起类似的推倒案件。The Vatican says the same woman planed a similar attack a year ago.

天主事工会得到了梵帝冈的完全认可和恩准。The group enjoyed the full endorsement and blessing of the Vatican.

梵蒂冈认为同性恋者身遭不测是咎由自取。Gays, the Vatican believes, bring their misfortunes upon themselves.

梵蒂冈的教宗是不赞成这样的,但也没办法。Vatican would never agree to this, but nothing can be done about it.

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胡尔城就是梵蒂冈城啦,在那里管事的家伙觉得自己就是上帝。Hull are the Vatican City and the guys in charge thinks they are God.

从1963年到1978年期间,他担任教皇和统治梵蒂冈。He reigned as Pope and as sovereign of Vatican City from 1963 to 1978.

梵蒂冈全称“梵蒂冈城国”,建于1929年。The full name of the Vatican, "Vatican City State", was built in 1929.