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甘蓝型油菜主要农艺和产量性状的杂种优势及其分离世代的分析。Heterosis and segregation on agronomic and yield traits in brassica napus l.

对15份红小豆种质资源的7个农艺性状进行了遗传参数研究。The Genetic parameters of 7 agronomic traits were assessed in 15 Adzuki bean germplasm.

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努力建立分子标记和农学特性之间的链锁。Efforts to establish linkages between molecular markers and traits of agronomic interest.

对糯玉米支链淀粉含量与主要农艺性状之间的相关性进行了分析。The correlation and path analysis between amylopectin and main agronomic traits was made.

尼克劳斯是现代球场设计的鼻祖,追求着农艺与建造的完美。Nicklaus is the prototypical modernist in pursuit of agronomic and construction perfection.

经主要农艺性状的变异系数分析,可育突变体在T_1~T_2代性状就相对稳定。With counting the C. V. of main agronomic traits, the fertile mutants in T1-T2 were stable.

目前的评估主要侧重于农业方面的结果和可能的健康影响。Currently, evaluations primarily focus on the agronomic ramifications and on possible health effects.

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试验于2008年在黑龙江八一农垦大学林甸县吉祥村试验基地和农学实验室进行。Test in 2008 in Heilongjiang province Lindian County auspicious test base village and agronomic laboratories.

对64份国内外甜高粱种质资源的9个农艺性状进行了遗传多样性等遗传参数研究。The genetic parameters of 9 agronomic traits were assessed in 64 domestic and foreign sweet sorghum germplasms.

同时对其中的HMW-GS遗传变异规律进行研究、对C4和C5群体的部分农艺性状进行了调查分析。Meanwhile, genetics laws of HMW-GS in the population and some agronomic characters of C4 and C5 were also analyzed.

文中还结合抗源材料的农艺性状对其利用提出了建议。Some suggestions have been proposed for the application of resistant materials based on their agronomic characters.

观察了来源于小麦成熟胚培养再生植株中R2代无性系农艺性状的变异。The variation of R2 generations in agronomic traits wore observed in plants regenerated from wheat matured embryos.

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株高是水稻品种的重要农艺性状之一,植株过高容易引起倒伏而减产。Plant height is one of the important agronomic traits of rice. Overhigh plant easily led to lodge and reduce output.

有关部门应当积极宣传和推广蜜蜂授粉农艺措施。The relevant departments shall proactively disseminate and promote the agronomic techniques of honeybee pollination.

而且,苯达松敏感致死基因对水稻的农艺性状和杂交优势没有不良的影响。Furthermore, the gene has no negative effects on agronomic traits no matter whether it is homozygous or heterozygous.

宛原50—2是一个株高比常用矮源矮,农艺性状较好的新品系。Wanyuan 50-2, a new dwarf line of wheat, is shorter than the normal dwarfing sources and with good agronomic characters.

同时腐植酸钾肥料的钾素吸收利用率和农学利用率者显著提高。Moreover, the potassium recovery efficiency and agronomic efficiency of HA-K fertilizer were all increased significantly.

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运用灰色多维综合隶属度评估方法,研究了棉花品种各性状的综合优劣程度。Gray multidimensional comprehensive feudatory degree evaluation on main agronomic characters was conducted with 6 varieties.

研究了披碱草与野大麦BC1F2、BC1F3、BC1F4代的主要农艺及分子细胞遗传学特性。The main agronomic traits and cytology of BC1F2, BC1F3, BC1F4 between Elymus dahuricus, Hordeum brevisubulatum were studied.

研究了保水缓释肥料对旱稻基本农艺性状和产量的影响。The effects of water-retention and slow-release fertilizers on the agronomic characters and yield of upland rice were studied.