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苔丝,你是一个福音教徒吗?Tessy, are you an Evangelical?

“他有一个人们奉之为福音的品牌,”他说。"It has a brand people are evangelical about, " he said.

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归正福音网站长,光辉弟兄留言。Reformed Evangelical web site long, brilliant brothers message.

学校的资金由美国和南朝鲜福音派教会提供。The school is financed by American and South Korean evangelical Christians.

反堕胎者和福音派新教徒立即意识到他是他们其中一员。Pro- lifers and evangelical Protestants immediately sense that he is one of them.

欢迎来到费城台服基督教会网路资源链接库。Welcome to the Evangelical Formosan Church of Philadelphia resource link repository.

本教会为不分宗派、传福音的教会,由牧师和执事们同心负责教会圣工。Our Church is a nondenominational evangelical church ministered by pastor and deacons.

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在讲述科技带来的巨大革命的时候,李就像是一个传教士。Lee can sound almost evangelical when he talks about the liberating power of technology.

童年时候就受到父亲作为传教士的耳濡目染,赛珍珠形成了对文学的力量执着信仰。From her evangelical childhood Buck emerged with an abiding faith in the power of fiction.

在此期间,我还在州长官邸为福音教派的牧师们举行了一次午餐会。During this period, I also hosted a lunch for evangelical ministers at the Governor’s Mansion.

他始终是个人-神,因为他坚信无望的死亡,心中充满了福音式的忧郁。He remains the man-god, convinced of a death without future, imbued with evangelical melancholy.

今天的福音派也失去了对圣经的忠诚,道德方针与宣教的热诚。The evangelical world today is losing its biblical fidelity , moral compass and missionary zeal.

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她们中的三人,一位是天主教徒,一位是福音基督徒,一位是正统犹太教徒,都是非常虔诚的支持生命权的人。Three of them, a Catholic, an evangelical Christian, and an Orthodox Jew, were devoutly pro-life.

白人福音教仍然是共和党最可靠的选票区,他们的观点影响着党的纲领。White evangelical remain the most reliable voting block, their views affect the party's platform.

尽管他言谈粗犷、热情奔放,在他内心深处显然有个传播福音的灵魂。Eg. For all his gruff heartiness , there must lurk inside him the soul of an evangelical preacher.

与在政治上活跃的福音派新教教徒的联系对于布什谋求连任是极为重要的。The link with politically active evangelical Protestants is crucial to Bush's hopes of re-election.

他说,他的大多数儿时伙伴现在都去位于芝加哥郊区的柳树溪教会这一福音大派了。He says most of his childhood friends now Willow Creek, an evangelical behemothinChicago 's suburbs.

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约翰卫斯理是循道小学数字在18世纪的复兴和基督教的创始人。John Wesley was the primary figure in the eighteenth century Evangelical Revival and founder of Methodism.

在第二章,笔者追溯了弗莱的的福音派卫理教家庭对他的宗教思想的形成所产生的影响。Then, in chapter II, the author traces Frye's Evangelical Methodist family's influence on Frye's thinking.

巴尔达诺是理想主义者,也深谙“暂停”的重要性,但他确实说到了点子上。Valdano is a romantic, and is evangelical about the importance of the pause, but here perhaps he has a point.