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我们也用谐和。We use harmonics.

谐和贵得很。Harmonics are expensive.

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你把它们当做和声或弦外音。You know them as harmonics or overtones.

“五日元”在日语里谐音“有缘份”。"Five yen" in Japanese harmonics "have fate".

其本意其实是中国国骂的谐音。Purported Chinese curse is in fact the harmonics.

半波对称函数的傅里叶级数只含有奇次谐波分量。A half-wave symmetric function contains only odd harmonics.

只由重复的非线性负载引起。Harmonics are only caused by repetitive and non-linear loads.

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我将其他的n等于,等于3,n,equals,three。,这些是和声。And I could call these others n equals two, n These are harmonics.

谐波是理想电波或正弦电波的变形。Harmonics are deformations to the ideal electrical wave or sine wave.

提出了一类强非线性动力系统的两项谐波法。Two harmonics method is presented for strongly nonlinear dynamic-system.

看看不同谐波振幅的变化如何改变波。See how changing the amplitudes of different harmonics changes the waves.

换流器单元产生的谐波会流过交流和直流线路。The converter units generate harmonics which flow in the AC and DC lines.

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结果表明,介质的内禀非线性可以感生出任意高阶谐波。Hence arbitrary high order harmonics can be induced from one Kerr component.

介绍一种电网谐波的近似算法。An algorithm for analyzing the approximate power harmonics is also presented.

该结构基于零序谐波电压互感器思路。The main idea is based on the sensor of zero-phase sequence harmonics voltage.

我们已经叙述了用谐波的符合来表示谐合的规则。We have stated a rule for consonance in terms of the coincidence of harmonics.

本文对电容器的谐波过载进行了理论分析。This article analyzed the harmonics over-load and the heat effect of capacitor.

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这说明激光脉冲与等离子体相互作用能够产生高次谐波。It is shown that high-order harmonics can be excited in laser-plasma interactions.

本文主要介绍利用谐波混频技术设计的X波段频率合成器。An X-band frequency synthesizer designed with harmonics mixing technology is presented.

初步论证了利用该摆动器产生高次谐波相干辐射的可能性。It is shown that a FEL operation is possible in this wiggler by using higher harmonics.