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反正他总是要迟到。He's always late anyways.

我清楚明白这中间的风险,无论如何还是决定出发去旅行。I knew the risks and decided to go anyways.

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在平地上露营怎么都会更安全些。Being camped on the ground is farther anyways.

不管怎么样,这是归纳论点所依赖的。Anyways that's what inductive arguments rely on.

在平地上露营怎么都会更安全些。Being camped on the ground is far safer anyways.

是那种让人想开心起来也不可能的天气,灰灰的…Anyways , it's been raining for the past few days.

但是我决定冒险聘用他。But I’m gonna take a risk and hire him anyways. MMT

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我现在已不惧一切打破规则,反正我已经要下地狱了。Breaking all the rules now anyways. Since I'm going to hell.

原因很明显且很简单——不过我还是要告诉你。The reason is obvious and simple — but I’ll tell you anyways.

但是今天,我们有时间停下来,不管怎么说,我要出来看一看。But today we have time of a stop so I go to check it out anyways.

她相信在任何时候,当她要摔倒时,你都会扯住她。She trusts you that you will hold her anyways when she is falling back.

我们在第二轮或者第三轮甚至更后都不会有主场优势。We're not going to get home court in the second or third rounds anyways.

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我甚至不知道它的歌词,但我的大脑却始终旋转着那曲调。I didn’t even know the lyrics, but my mind kept spinning the tune anyways.

如果你只有在晚上才有时间锻炼身体,那当然你也只有这么做了。If night time is the only time you can exercise then you should of course do it anyways.

我只是不知道该怎么和她说…好吧,不管怎么说她有知道的权利。I just don't know how to bring it up. Well, all right. She has the right to know anyways.

你不该对NDA有顾虑,因为很多时候它无法强制实行或者难以印证。You shouldn’t worry about NDAs because they’re mostly unenforceable or unprovable anyways.

大多数善意的假话都是我们对于本相的另一种延伸的阐释。Most of these white lies only stretch an interpretation of what the truth actually is anyways.

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如果这些企业到海外聘请工人也没办法,反正他们也会那么做。If those corporations go overseas to hire workers then fine, they would have done that anyways.

毕竟,无论如何每个人最不想看到的就是,自己穿的衣服吸引吸血动物来叮咬自己。After all, the last thing anybody should want from their outfits is to attract bloodsuckers anyways.

我认为尽管我们都害怕,并且能够面对结果,无论如何都应该继续走下去,做我们想做的。I think that even if we are afraid and we can deal with the outcome, we should go ahead and do it anyways.