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什么是苹果削皮机及取样器?。What is an Apple Peeler & Corer?

而其公司团队中的许多骨干精英也皆来于重庆本土。Many corer members of the company are locals of Chongqing.

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在此基础上,介绍了我国重力活塞式天然气水合物保真采样器的研究进展。The development of the gas hydrate pressured corer in China is also introduced.

因此研究重力取样器的取样技术对环境研究具有积极的意义。Thus, it will improve the environmental research to study the sampling technology of gravity corer.

去心器的中央通过苹果茎刺进苹果,一路推动去心器。Center the corer over the apple's stem end, pierce the apple, and push the corer all the way through.

去心器的中央通过苹果茎刺进苹果,一路推动去心器。Center the corer over the apple’s stem end, pierce the apple, and push the corer all the way through.

我们的专家在这里教你如何使用这个免费视频炊具苹果削皮及取样器。Our expert is here to teach you how to use an apple peeler and corer in this free video on cooking utensils.

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第七章分析了天然气水合物保温保压取样器的结构和工作原理。In chapter 7, the structure and the working principle of the gas hydrate temperature-hold and pressure-tight sampling corer are discussed.

研究了重力取样器的取样技术,并在此基础上成功设计了一种便携式的重力式取样器,非常适合环境研究机构的沉积物取样工作。On the basis of such research, it also presents a portable gravity corer , which is regarded as a suitable sediment sampling tool for environmental research sectors.

第四章介绍了取样器安全性准则,主要包括保真取样器稳定性理论及取样器释放参数的定性分析及新型销轴式连接方式。Chapter 4 mainly illuminates safety sampling technique, including theory of corer tube stability, qualitative analysis of parameters of corer releasing and a new type connection of plug pin.