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每次比较两个数的大小。We pair wise compare everyone that was onstage.

用户怎么在舞台或者录音室里使用这个软件?How are users using this onstage and in the studio?

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台上演出的芭蕾舞演员似乎都一样高。The onstage ballerinas are seemingly of the uniform height.

芭蕾舞女在她们的舞鞋脚尖端涂上松香,以避免演出时滑倒。Ballerinas coat their toe shoes with rosin to avoid onstage slips.

他们有些今晚也在场,有几位更会上台与大家见面。Some of them are here this evening, and a few will even join us onstage.

如果你长得不好看,那么不管你怎么唱,你都无法上台。If you're not good-looking, no matter how well you sing, you'll not be onstage.

然而“真相时刻”与此相反,把亲人们请上台是为了挑起敌意。“The Moment of Truth, ” though, brings loved ones onstage to stir up hostility.

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但我习惯了走上台,谈论别人的优点。But I was used to getting onstage and talking about the virtues of someone else.

台上的爱情、死亡和舞蹈汇集在一起,形成一个美丽夺目的漩涡。Onstage love, death and dance all come together in an engrossingly beautiful vortex.

在训练之余,士兵们还可以看电影,参加演讲比赛上台表演。Besides training, soldiers can enjoy movies and perform onstage in speaking contests.

要想成位一名合格的模特,走台的训练是必不可少的。Training for the way to walk and stand onstage is indispensable for being a qualified model.

当一百零八位人民解放军站在台上就是这个特别活动的第一个精彩场面。The appearance of 108 People's Liberation Army soldiers onstage was the gala's first highlight.

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到了2002年,在一次着实快令我聋掉的演出后,我终于在台上带上了耳机。I finally started wearing earplugs onstage in 2002, after playing a particularly deafening show.

这时候,三个受荣者带上了黑色学位帽和学位服,走上讲台,接受博士学位。Then the three honorees put on black caps and gowns and went onstage to receive their doctorates.

“恒速”,一幕灵感来自相对论的芭蕾舞剧,正在伦敦登台表演。Constant Speed, a ballet inspired by the theory of relativity, is being performed onstage in London.

用户怎么在舞台或者录音室里使用这个软件?你们发现那种用户最经常使用这些产品?How are users using this onstage and in the studio? What sorts of users have you found using the product?

我甚至还读了评论文章,其中说他们的现场会更让人亢奋。I also read a review that said their onstage antics are way more bizarre and macabre than they used to be.

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马特里克周一在洛杉矶的E3游戏展上首次展示了这款摄像头。Mr. Mattrick showed the camera for the first time onstage at the E3 games conference in Los Angeles Monday.

一天当他的表演正要达到高潮时,只见一只鹦鹉走上舞台呱呱乱叫,“东西在他袖子里!”He was performing the highlight of his show when a parrot walked onstage and squawked, 'It's in his sleeve! '

接着我才发现她已不在我身旁的座位上,而是拘谨地站在舞台上的钢琴旁边。The next thing I knew she was no longer in the seat next to me but standing stiffly onstage beside the piano.