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他们依旧无知。They remain ignorant.

其次,这是无知的。And secondly, it’s ignorant.

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我们只能一直处于无知状态。We were to be kept ignorant.

习俗是无知者的向导。Custom is the guide of the ignorant.

这莽原上有愚昧的军队趁着夜色鏖战。Where ignorant armies clash by night.

我要唤醒我们愚昧的人民。I want to wake up our ignorant people.

科学的敌人是愚昧无知。Science has no enemy but the ignorant.

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祢眞的不知道自己虚伪。You forsooth be ignorant of self sham.

年轻时我们彼此相爱却惘然不知。Young we loved each other and ignorant.

难道你不认为他是个法盲吗?Don't you think he is an ignorant of law?

他那时只是个不懂事的小孩子。He was nothing but a ignorant child then.

他又是这么无知,买了头奶牛当坐骑。So ignorant that he bought a cow to ride on.

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我不想说这位先生无知。I don't want to saythe gentleman is ignorant.

谁说女子无才就是德?!Who says that ignorant women are the noble ones?

你不能再有这么多懵懂的梦想。You can't have so much ignorant dreams any more.

你刚才说的话很无礼也很无知。What you just said is very insulting and ignorant.

那时,因为我对那些花名一窍不通,你很吃惊,虽然你跟我说过,我对花名仍旧那么无知。I amstill just as ignorant for all your telling me.

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有很多愚痴的人,常常都做错事情。Many people are ignorant and often do wrong things.

孟都山把农民看成是无知的狗。Monsanto treats farmers like they are ignorant dogs.

浩瀚的知识海洋里,我们更像个无知者。The vast sea of knowledge, we are more like ignorant.