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你可否提醒我在森麻实街下车?。Could you remind me to get off at Somerset Street?

洛克出生于1638年以一个家庭的未成年人盛捷士绅。John Locke was born in 1638 to a family of minor Somerset gentry.

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Manville是美国新泽西州萨默塞特郡的一个区。Manville is a Borough in Somerset County, New Jersey, United States.

来到重庆便毫不犹豫的选择了盛捷公寓。Therefore, she selected Somerset Apartment in Chongqing without hesitation.

巴斯位于英格兰西南部,是萨默塞特郡的一座著名的旅游城市。The city of Bath is in the south-west of England, in the county of Somerset.

最终完成的索美塞特酸酒还包含着另外一层惊喜,托尼称呼这个成就为青草鸡蛋香味。Thefinished Somerset sour also contains a surprise that Conigliaro calls ahay egg.

在萨默塞特郡查得农场大约1000万只七星瓢虫出现在农田里并“安营扎寨”。And in Chard in Somerset around 10 million ladybirds have descended on farmland and set up home.

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往昔横跨在萨默特大楼附近的泰晤士河上的那座精致的老桥是约翰•伦尼设计的。The fine, old bridge that used to span the Thames near Somerset House was designed by John Rennie.

目前台面上从南威尔斯到桑莫塞特的的巨帐建设计划是二选一。Two competing schemes to build a barrage stretching from south Wales to Somerset are on the table.

再往西边一些,对着南华克的是萨墨赛特宫,狄更斯的父亲曾经在这里为海军工作。Further west and opposite South wark stands Somerset House, where Dikens' father worked for the navy.

在西边和萨瑟克对面的是索美塞特大楼,狄更斯的父亲曾在那的海军工作过。Further west and opposite Southwark stands Somerset House, where Dickens' father worked for the navy.

过去我常常用同样的方式来打包我的行李,在放书的时候我会把W.I used to always pack in the same manner, placing my beloved battered books by W. Somerset Maugham and F.

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多番考察,他终于选定了与他工作在同一栋大楼的盛捷公寓。Through many times of visits, he finally selected Somerset Apartment in the same building where he works.

在东部,萨墨赛特和多希特联合铁路自南部将巴斯和多希特穿过,并且经过威尔斯。In the east, the Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway ran south from Bath into Dorset, and also served Wells.

美国泰克公司是一家高级阶段IP技术服务和产品发展公司,建立在新泽西的索玛赛。We are an advanced stage IP Telephony service and product development company based in Somerset , New Jersey.

马士沙拉末的通缉令在新加坡随处可见,此照片拍摄于新加坡索美赛地铁站。Wanted posters are visible everywhere in Singapore after his escape, such as this one at Somerset MRT Station.

如果一个安静的早餐,午餐,晚餐,或在你的豪华的房间是你的渴望,萨默塞特酒店提供客房服务的。If a quiet breakfast, lunch, or dinner in your luxury room is what you crave, Somerset Inn offers room service.

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2001年,巴斯和东北萨默塞特会成为英国的第一批地方当局采取零废物的承诺。In 2001, Bath & North East Somerset Council became the first local authority in the UK to adopt a Zero Waste pledge.

人们让你提批评意见,但他们想要的是表扬---威廉。萨摩赛特。毛姆,英国小说家和剧作家。People ask you for criticism, but they only want praise---William Somerset Maugham, English novelist and playwright.

一位发言人称该学校之所以出此下策只是担心孩子们可能在卡片里表达爱意。A spokesman for North Somerset Council said that the school was concerned about children sending cards declaring love.