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多翯美丽的景色啊!What ta beautiful view!

在办公时间拜访助教。Drop in during TA office hours.

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请拿一只热水瓶给我。Get ta hotwater bottle, please.

赞成或赞扬的一种表示。There's ta k of a commendation.

没有疑问就等于没有学问。Without ta doubt is not knowledge.

那样你们能很好的联系助教。That way you get good access to the TA.

我的心七上八下的,不知做什么好。I'm ta sixes and sevens about what to do.

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大学了,我在汕头,TA在潮州。University, and I in Shantou, TA in Chaozhou.

我在TA网上贴了一张这个告示板的照片。I have posted a photo of this signboard on TA.

另外,法果的本质是一种绝对的美。Examining on dharma-dh ta is a esthetic judgment.

那天下午,TA从潮州过来了。That afternoon, TA from the Chaozhou transformed.

你是真正特殊的,你的爱是传奇大箱。Youre truly special, your love is legendary ta me.

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请稍等一下,我去推一个行李车。Just ta moment please , I have brought your baggage.

所以高的pB星A对应低的TA星。A So higher pB star A corresponds to lower TA star A.

同意关于坦克是否有油的质疑。Yea there is some question about if the ta n k has gas.

才不,老弟,俺这儿还有条命令要下。Nay, laddie, thar be one more order I need ta give here.

贮藏后期果肉可滴定酸含量增加。TA content in aril increased at the later stage of storage.

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不仅苏林有大象,塔卡农村也有很多大象。Not only Surin has a lot of elephants, but also Ta Klang does.

每天都会有助教去本科生的公共休息室Every day there's going to be a TA in the undergraduate lounge.

第一金控在团队攻击指数和兄弟象队有非常明显的不足。Agan's TA of team comparing with Brother Elephant's were weakest.