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部分的原因在于内部不同意。Part of the answer is internal dissension.

这件事会破坏团结,制造纠纷。It undermines cohesion and creates dissension.

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从始至终,没有公开的争吵。From start to finish, there was no public dissension.

意见分歧在委员会的成员中蔓延。Dissension is rampant among the members of the committee.

婚姻家庭纠纷是农村最常见的一种纠纷类型。Family dissension is one of the normal conflicts in rural areas.

世界少了冤冤相报的事,自然就平和而少纠纷了。Once the dissension and revenge has reduced, the world becomes peaceful.

我可能会被将军们指责为试图在军队内部制造分歧。I may be accused by the generals of attempting to create dissension within the army.

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来到这一章,撒但试图挑起内部的纷争,但神却再一次控制大局。In this chapter Satan tried to stir up internal dissension but again God over-ruled.

法起源问题的争论实质只是语义学上的分岐。The, controversial essential about the origin of law is only a semantics dissension.

你一边宣传和平,一边又干着煽动纷争的营生。While you preach peace, you make it the business of your life to stir up dissension.

因此,你们必须于我教法中谨守戒律,和谐相处,勿生诤讼。And thus you must train yourselves, being assembled in harmony and without dissension.

哦,人们哪!不要在人群里播撒纷争的种子,也不要与你的邻人争斗。Sow not, O people, the seeds of dissension amongst men, and contend not with your neighbor.

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这些小吵小闹其实是由充满不和的气氛造成的。These little rows were really precipitated by an atmosphere which was surcharged with dissension.

要小心留意,避免在人们中播下不和之种子,或在纯洁明亮之心田种下怀疑之荆棘。Beware lest ye sow tares of dissension among men or plant thorns of doubt in pure and radiant hearts.

近期部分大型零售商和供应商之间通道费之争就是比较突出的问题之一。One of the most outstanding problems is the retailer-supplier dissension which often happened recently.

结果心内科护理纠纷产生主要由客观因素和主观因素两个方面引起的。Conclusion The key way to prevent nursing related dissension events is to create good nurse -patient relationship.

方法收集我院6年来发生的心内科护理纠纷55起。Methods Retrospectively analyze 55 dissension events occurring in the past 6 years in the department of cardiology.

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这样发展下去,一个离心离德的社会就根本不会去想自己独立的问题了。This trend continues, dissension and discord in a society will not think about their own independent of the problem.

这场战争是由希罗米虫人阴谋策划的,意在挑拨同盟各阶层的不和。This war was orchestrated by the Hiromi, in an attempt to cause dispute and dissension in the ranks of the Alliance.

患方出现不良后果的责任归谁承担,是处理医疗纠纷需要解决的重大问题。Who will be responsible for the bad effects during treatment is the most important issue to solve medical dissension.