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这使他气恼,那个入侵。It annoyed him, the invasion.

什么是西拿基立入侵?。What is the Sennarcherib invasion?

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鲍勃迪伦,柏林,猪湾事件。Dylan, Berlin, Bay of Pigs invasion.

像是葡萄牙兵船的入侵An invasion of the Portuguese Man-of-War

次日,月氏入侵突厥。The next day, Yuezhi invasion of turkic.

中国帮助琉球抵抗侵略了嘛?Did China help Ryukyu during the invasion?

隐性采访是新闻侵犯隐私权吗?。Is Recessive Interview Invasion of Privacy?

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分化较好,类似于尿道上皮,不过确实是肿瘤,未见向右侧浸润。No invasion to the right is seen at this point.

对擅闯民宅这种事,人们也不能太在意了。One really can't be too careful about invasion.

最大的间质浸润深度为4.5毫米。The maximal depth of stromal invasion is 4.5mm.

这样的打扰对于我的空间与时间是一种侵犯。This to me is an invasion of my space and time.

神的恩典造访也常不期而至,意外忽来。God comes with an unannounced invasion of mercy.

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出版是对我的隐私的一种严重侵犯。Publishing is a terrible invasion of my privacy.

最终,满族的入侵结束了明朝的统治。Finally, a Manchu invasion ended the Ming regime.

那么,食尸鬼侵入之后,自由主义者会怎样呢?And what would liberals do after a ghoul invasion?

入侵已激起了人民的仇恨。The invasion has ignited the hatred of the people.

先生,这是对我的隐私的毫无根据的侵犯!Sir, this is an unwarranted invasion of my privacy!

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自美国领导的军队入侵伊拉克以来,塔拉齐一直被关押在监狱。Mr Aziz was jailed after the US-led invasion of Iraq.

腹腔恶性间皮瘤的结肠侵入。Colonic invasion of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma.

图片7-8显示小细胞巢团的间质浸润。Photos 7-8 show stromal invasion of small tumor nests.