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“我在这呢,萨莎,”他安慰说。"I have you, Sasha, " he said soothingly.

就会好起来的,'她轻柔地安慰说。It will be all right, ' she cooed soothingly.

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其公共政策博客安慰性地承认监管机构的担忧。Its public policy blog soothingly acknowledges regulators' concerns.

衣服感觉抚顺温暖地贴着皮肤,向空气中散发出清新的香味。They feel soothingly warm on your skinand emit a fresh-scented aroma into the air.

“你有这样的决心,事情一定会成功,”觉民安慰她道。"If you're determined as all that, you're sure to succeed, " said Chueh-min soothingly.

Ruit医生走近每个病人,安慰每个人,然后慢慢的拿去绷带。Dr. Ruit went up to every single person, talked to each one soothingly – and slowly took off the bandage.

医生平静地说,「现在你的嗅觉治好了,下来我们来治你的听觉。」"Calm down, Mrs. Barker, " said the doctor soothingly . "Now that we've fixed your sinuses, we'll work on your hearing. "

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他们对“风险价值”电脑模型产生过度的信赖,这些模型似乎以令人释然的严格性计算出了他们的风险敞口。They develop an excessive faith in “value at risk” computer models, which seem to calculate their exposure in soothingly rigorous terms.

“不要怕,”白桦妈妈温柔地说,“闪电不会察觉到你们藏在我的枝叶中,我是森林里最高的树。”"Don't be afraid, " she said soothingly. ?The lightning won't notice you hidden beneath my branches. I'm the tallest tree in the forest. ?

过渡时期的任期将由来自上下两院的议员组成的联合委员会衡量,但是委员会委员长安慰道“这个国家绝大部分的改变都是革命性的”。The terms of that transition will be considered by a joint committee drawn from both houses of parliament, but “most change is evolutionary in this country”, says the minister soothingly.

“随着年龄的增长你会抛弃它的,年轻人,”他安慰地说,“对于这一类幼稚的毛病,时间是最好的药物,”他掉头对莫尔斯先生说,“我相信对这类问题讨论是没有用处的。"You'll grow out of it, young man, " he said soothingly . "Time is the best cure for such youthful distempers. " He turned to Mr. Morse. "I do not believe discussion is good in such cases.

我记得,一个叫海伦的美国文学评论家,在我说给她听这些的时候,她静静地,安慰地抚摸着我的后背,我停止下说话之后,还继续那样静静地,安慰地抚摸着我。I remember Helen, an American literary critic who stroked my back silently and soothingly as I talked, and continued to stroke me just as silently and soothingly after I`d stopped speaking.