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陈表示他已邀请马伦尽快访问中国。Chen said he has invited Mullen to visit China as soon as possible.

马伦说这些演习的规模都不大,而且是早就计划好的。Admiral Mullen said the exercises were both small and long-scheduled.

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声明说,穆伦还表示一定要尊重巴基斯坦的主权。The statement said Mullen also vowed to respect Pakistan's sovereignty.

当被问到,这是否是一场“赌注很高的唬人计谋”,马伦上将的回答是。Admiral Mullen was asked whether there is "a high stakes bluffing game" going on.

马伦上将进一步形容该网络为ISI名副其实的左膀右臂。Admiral Mullen went further, describing the network as a veritable arm of the ISI.

马伦上将重申了他的观点,那就是美国的债务是国家安全最大的威胁。Mullen repeated his view that the U.S. debt is the greatest national security threat.

“非常荣幸昨天有机会参观二炮,”马伦说。“I greatly appreciated the opportunity yesterday to visit the 2nd Artillery, ” Mullen said.

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此外,马伦将军还表示,美国新政府还必须把伊朗问题作为头等大事。In addition, Admiral Mullen says Iran must also be a top priority for the new administration.

访问期间,马伦观看了由两架俄罗斯设计的SU-27战斗机的空中表演。During his visit, Mullen watched an aerial display by two Russian-designed SU-27 fighter jets.

马伦称,他与陈将军在会晤中坦诚布公,特别聚焦于自由通航问题。Mullen said he and Chen had very frank discussions on the issue, focusing on freedom of navigation.

马伦指责这两个人是袭击事件的操控者,并说金正日的领导认人不安。Adm. Mullen blamed both men for the attacks, and said the elder Mr. Kim's leadership is "worrisome."

马伦基本上仍然不越雷池半步,除了那一刻,我抛出了几个问题。Mullen remains largely off-limits except for one moment when I am able to throw a couple of questions.

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马伦上将也同意星期三美国在中东地区一位海军将领的评论,海军上将考思格里夫说,美国不会允许伊朗关闭波斯湾入口的霍尔木兹海峡。Admiral Mullen also endorsed comments earlier Wednesday by the U.S. Naval commander in the Middle East.

马伦上将将阿富汗的安全移交工作与另一个被冲突蹂躏的国家进行了对比。Admiral Mullen compared the Afghan security transition to one undertaken in another strife-torn nation.

但是,马伦强调,政府对阿富汗已经有了一个新战略,并且正在推进这个计划。But Mullen emphasized the administration has a new strategy in place in Afghanistan, and is moving forward.

马伦称,台海两岸关系“看来正朝缓解紧张局势的正确方向发展。”Mullen said the Beijing-Taipei relationship "seems to be moving in the right direction" toward reduced tensions.

该公司CEO杰夫·穆伦介绍说,“一个按钮可以使卡切换成借记卡,另一个按钮可以切换成信用卡。"One might switch the card to be your debit card, and the other your credit card," says Dynamics CEO Jeff Mullen.

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“反介入和区域封锁不应简单地成为我们用来索取更多预算的时髦话”,马伦警告说。"Anti-access and area denial are not simply buzzwords we use to argue for more money in the budget," Mullen warned.

“反介入和区域封锁不应简单地成为我们用来索取更多预算的时髦话”,马伦警告说。"Anti-access and area denial are not simply buzzwords we use to argue for more money in the budget, " Mullen warned.

事实上,四月在参议院委员会面前,马伦在他的证词里明确发对“不问不说”政策。In fact, Mullen was explicit in his testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee in April that he opposed DADT.