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我的敌人四脚朝天树下躺。My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

她伸出了年迈粗糙的手。Her knobbly old hand was outstretched.

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他现在站起来,伸出手。He was standing now, his hands outstretched.

只识弯弓射大雕。Knew only shooting eagles, bow outstretched.

小男孩抓住妈妈伸出的手。The boy took his mother's outstretched hand.

他拿出一个贵宾徽标,伸出手,想跟哈尔打声招呼。He’s got a guest nametag and an outstretched hand.

这些鸟站在岩石上,翅膀张开着。These birds stands on the rock, wings outstretched.

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书籍上,一只蜘蛛般的手伸向哈利。On the back cover spidery hands are outstretched towards Harry.

这家伙一看见马丁内兹,就弹簧一样向前伸出了手。The man caught sight of Martinez and sprang forward hand outstretched.

铁栏杆与铁栏杆之间,仅能容得下猴子的手臂伸出来。Iron and iron baluster between, only can hold the monkey arm outstretched.

一只海鸥迎面扑来,却没有落在你伸出的手上。A sea gull flies right for you, but doesnt light on your outstretched hand.

那织女与天鹅座第一亮星之间的所相隔的距离更是让人难以想象。And an outstretched hard more or less fills the gap between Vega and Deneb.

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高逐个鸣伸出胳膊想搂酣畅,又害怕地放下。One arm outstretched to high tolled windrowing and afraid to put down the blow.

查尔斯爵士从魔鬼伸出的手上摘下这枚小小的淡绿色的戒指。Sir Charles took the small, pale green ring from the demon’s outstretched hand.

最后,他小心翼翼地折起纸,把它放进口袋里,手伸向他妻子伸出的手。At last he folded the paper carefully and reached for his wifes outstretched hand.

他们很多躺在仅够行走的道路上,在各个地铁蹒跚行走,向路人伸手乞讨。Some, barely big enough to walk, stumble through subway trains, hands outstretched.

“我来吧,”一位老年志愿者一面热情地说着,一面张开了双臂。“I’ll take her, ” one of the elderly volunteers said, with eager, outstretched arms.

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他悬挂在半空中穿越威斯敏斯特大桥,另一只手臂伸展向外。He hung in mid-air with his other arm outstretched as he crossed Westminister Bridge.

竹影斑驳错落,挣扎著缠绕光阴匆忙的步履。The prone shadows with their outstretched arms clung to the feet of the hurrying light.

一片扩张的荒土,所有的草与小花,以及神圣的玉。The outstretched deserted ground, all the grasses and little flowers, and the holy jade.