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我是艾比熊。I'm Abby Bear.

那天在学校,艾比画了一只大象。At school that day, Abby drew an elephant.

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她们认为我还迷恋着艾比。They all think I'm still obsessed with Abby.

艾比和科林喜欢雪。他们在雪中远足。Abby and Collin like snow. They hike in the snow.

艾比兴奋地举起袖筒上明亮的黄色价签。Abby triumphantly held up the sleeve with the bright yellow tag.

阿比以为这是马蒂的想进一步恐吓她,并把这想法告诉雷伊。Abby assumes it's more intimidation by Marty, and says so to Ray.

他还在星期天早晨下厨做煎饼来讨好奥丽维娅和艾碧。He charmed Olivia and Abby by making pancakes on Sunday mornings.

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冠军名叫"艾比·弗朗西斯公主",今年4岁,它在微风中颤颤巍巍地站上领奖台,戴上了冠军奖章。"Princess Abby Francis" shivered in the cool breeze after her win.

一个叫艾比取得Basenji对待比赛开始前2月14日。A Basenji named Abby gets a treat before competition began Feb. 14.

“亲爱的艾比”或艾比盖尔·范布伦的真名叫波林·埃丝特·弗里德曼。"Dear Abby" or Abigail Van Buren is in fact Pauline Esther Friedman.

艾比道布森执行,我不会错过您在罗富国社会俱乐部。Abby Dobson performs I'm Not Missing You at the Northcote Social Club.

艾比把鱼缸四周都找了一遍,却没有水蜗牛的任何迹象。Abby looked on all sides of the tank. There was no sign of the water snail.

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现在我跟我的网络服务商在商量对策,希望能够理清头绪。And now I'm talking to my internet service provider hoping to sort this abby.

芳龄17的爱彼把大量的时间放在她的同学布兰顿身上。Seventeen-year-old Abby is spending a lot of time with her classmate Brandon.

迈阿密大学俄亥俄分校,2009级,会计专业。Abby Marie Minneman, Miami University of Ohio, class of 2009, accountant major.

艾比·斯托达德是国际研究机构“人道主义成果”的成员。Abby Stoddard works with the international research group Humanitarian Outcomes.

艾比感觉她的脸变得又红又烫。她生气或伤心的时候就会这样。Abby felt her face go hot and red. It always happened when she was angry or upset.

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阿比又回到自己的公寓,在浴室的门后面拿着枪等待。Abby retreats back into the apartment, and waits behind the bathroom door, holding a gun.

和罗宾、黛安在一起出场的是佐伊、葛罗弗、艾比以及她们的真人伙伴戈登。Hanging out with Robin and Diane are Zoe, Grover, Abby Cadabby and their human pal Gordon.

在延长赛中,美国队又再次获得领先,这次是透过艾比瓦姆巴奇的一记头球。In extra time, the Americans again took the lead, this time through an Abby Wambach header.