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做一个谈判者和影响者Be a Negotiator and Influencer

宝莉是个能干的磋商者。Polly is a competent negotiator.

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他证明自己是一位机智聪明的谈判者。He proved himself a quick-witted negotiator.

我是个精明的谈判者,又及其善于言辞。I was a canny negotiator and a very capable speaker.

谈判者充当劳资双方的联络人。The negotiator acted as liaison between labour and management.

对方谈判代表十分理智和沉着镇定。The opposite negotiator was quite reasonable and level-headed.

博斯沃思还同北韩首席核谈判人员金桂冠举行会谈。He also met with the North's top nuclear negotiator Kim Kye Kwan

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被附属于的人为什么正式介绍谈判者进自我,我被困惑。I’m baffled why the affiliated man initiated the negotiator into ego.

但他的核问题谈判代表随王家瑞一同返回北京。But his nuclear negotiator returned with Mr Wang to the Chinese capital.

作为总统,他曾任命当时已74岁的尼采为核武器谈判员。As president, he named Nitze, then aged 74, as a nuclear-arms negotiator.

你认为谈判对手怎么样?他是个顽固难对付的谈判者吗?。What do you think about the opposite negotiator? Was he a hard bargainer?

叶敏是军政府与停火谈判的首席代表。Ye Myint is the regime's chief negotiator in talks with the ceasefire groups.

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巴勒斯坦首席谈判代表称以此举关闭了巴以直谈的大门。The Palestini Chief negotiator said this would close the door for direct talks.

她的策略是用低于市价的价格销售大量家具,同时,她还是一个很无情的谈判对手。Her strategy was to undersell the big shots, and she was a merciless negotiator.

在争取民主变革运动和非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线之间的谈判中,比蒂是反对党的高级谈判官员。Biti is the senior MDC negotiator at the talks between the opposition and ZANU-PF.

人类觊觎潘多拉星球上的某种原料,就派了一个人做中介人。Humans are thirsty for a material in Pandora. They send a man there as a negotiator.

而身为前核谈判代表的鲁哈尼表示仍然有妥协的余地。Still, Rowhani, a former nuclear negotiator , suggests there is room from compromise.

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佐利克作为多哈的贸易谈判人员投入了许多的时间和金钱。Zoellick has invested a lot of his time and his capital as a trade negotiator in Doha.

“阿毛里做出留下的决定也有家庭因素,”他的经纪人补充道。“Amauri also took the decision to stay for family reasons, ” the negotiator concluded.

台湾谈判方建议紧密的刑法实施也应提上议事日程。Taiwan's negotiator suggested joint criminal law enforcement could also be on the agenda.