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他被陪审团裁定罪名成立。He was convicted by a jury.

法官训示陪审团。The judge charged the jury.

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陪审团裁定他无罪。The jury found him innocent.

2005年,陪审团宣告他无罪。In 2005 a jury acquitted him.

现在想像你们是陪审团。Now imagine you are the jury.

现在假设你们就是陪审团。Now imagine you are the jury.

你的木槌呢?你的陪审团呢?Where's your gavel, your jury?

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审判团宣布其判决。The jury delivered its verdict.

他选择了陪审团审判。He chose to stand trial by jury.

于是斯达格就向陪审团交涉。Steger then approached the jury.

陪审团宣布它的裁定。The jury brought in its verdict.

陪审团宣判他犯有偷窃罪。The jury convicted him of theft.

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陪审团宣告无罪。The jury brought in an acquittal.

陪审团认定吉迪恩无罪。The jury found Gideon not guilty.

陪审团是一种独特的制度。The jury is a unique institution.

案件中发现的伤逝未被证实。The jury found the casenot proven.

霍尔姆斯敦促陪审团忽略贝内关于基因的证词。Holmes urged the jury to ignore it.

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陪审员们从法庭里鱼贯而出。The jury filed out of the courtroom.

他将是审判该案的陪审员。He will sit on the jury at the trial.

很快在9点以后,陪审团入席了。Shortly after nine, the jury came in.