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沙皇俄国的最后一批铜制戈比铸于1916年。The last copper copekcs of Tsarist Russia were minted in 1916.

沙皇政府在1905年12月查封了这家报馆。The tsarist government closed down the newspaper in December 1905.

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有一种误解,就是认为中东铁路完全是沙俄自己建造的。It is a misunderstanding that Zhongdong Railway was built only by Tsarist Russia.

1840年鸦片战争以后,新疆受到沙俄等列强的侵略。War of 1840, Xinjiang was subject to aggression from Tsarist Russia and other powers.

在过去沙皇统治时代,妇女事实上是在他们丈夫的压迫下的奴隶。Under the old Tsarist regime, women were forced into de facto slavery positions under their husbands.

1840年鸦片战争以后,新疆受到沙俄等列强的侵略。Following the Opium War of 1840, Xinjiang was subject to aggression from Tsarist Russia and other powers.

年沙俄修建中东铁路时,在此建立了萨尔图站。Tsarist Russia in 1898, when the railway construction in the Middle East, in this set up Sarthou station.

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布尔什维克延续俄帝政府固有的政策到怎样的程度?To what extent did the Bolsheviks simply continue policies that the tsarist government was already embracing?

在俄帝制下的妇女除了完全依靠丈夫几乎没有别的选择。Women in Tsarist Russia had very few options open to them outside of being totally dependent on their husbands.

英国、美国、日本、法国、德国、意大利、沙俄、荷兰,都很喜欢我们这块地方。States, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, tsarist Russia and Holland were all very interested in this land of ours.

所以改革后,双重标准和男性之上的习惯在俄国帝制的社会上仍然盛行流传了很多年。Double standards and sexist practices prevalent in Tsarist society persisted for many years after the revolution.

直到1809年芬兰还是从属于瑞典的,而之后一直到1917年芬兰则是沙俄的大公国。Finland until 1809 or subordinate to Sweden, and after 1917 have been to Finland is the Grand Duchy of tsarist Russia.

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许多人期望亚历山大二世会继续他的改革,废除那些俄国帝制时候的不平等政策。Many hoped that Alexander II would continue with his reforms and abolish some of the unjust policies of Tsarist Russia.

1911年外蒙古宣布“独立”后,沙皇俄国又唆使呼伦贝尔的统治者乘机脱离中国。After Mongolia declared independence in 1911, the tsarist in Russia instigated the ruler of Hulunber to break away from China.

英国、美国、日本、法国、德国、意大利、沙俄、荷兰,都很喜欢我们这块地方。Britain, the United States, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, tsarist Russia and Holland were all very interested in this land of ours.

但是,中东铁路在1920年以前是沙俄与日本进行争霸和侵略中国东北的工具。However, before 1920, Zhongdong railway was a tool with which Tsarist Russia contended with Japan for supremacy and invaded the northeast China.

当时沙俄设计师揣着法国巴黎的城建图纸想在东方再造就一个以广场为主的城市,于是就来到了中国大连。Paris, France, Tsarist Russia was the Urban Designer Chuaizhuo drawings to recycling in the East based on a city square, so he came to Dalian, China.

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清初,由于沙俄的入侵,黑龙江流域索伦部的鄂温克人南迁到嫩江流域。At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the Suolunbu Ewenki moved from the HeiLongJiang Valley to the Nen River Valley because the tsarist Russia intrusion.

在这一时段里,他们严重地侵犯了中国的国家主权,涉及政治、军事、经济等等。During this period, Tsarist Russia constituted serious infringements upon China's sovereignty, involving every domain-political, military, economic and so on.

大战爆发后,乘沙俄和其他列强势力衰落之机,日本经济势力向黑龙江地区急剧扩张。After the breakout of the War, with tsarist Russia and other big powers declining, Japanese aggrandized rapidly their economic force towards Heilongjiang Region.