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他们和我讲话,我显得平易近人。They speak to me. I come across as approachable.

从远处看,这条海豚似乎很容易接近。From a distance, the dolphin seemed approachable enough.

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来自世图的更吸引人和接近人的设计。A much more engaging and approachable design from Wordpress.

其次,这是极为易于使用的编程模型。Second, this is an extremely approachable programming model.

通常,落单的人看上去也更容易接近。Often, people who are alone appear more approachable to others.

企业博客使得企业形象与企业本身都更加平易近人。It makes the company-person and the corporation more approachable.

遭到责备的教练把面包卸到可接近的路旁。The blamed coach unloaded the loaves to the approachable roadside.

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受到诘问诘责的教练把面包卸到可接近的路旁。The reproached coach unloaded the loaves to the approachable roadside.

仪表端庄,平易近人,积极主动,具良好沟通技巧。Well-groom and approachable. Interactive with good communication skills.

遭到责备的教练把面包卸到可接近的路旁.The reproached coach unloaded the loaves to the approachable roadside.

要想变得更加平易近人,最好是参加一些志愿活动。A good way to become more approachable isby joining a volunteer organization.

同时这又是一撇笑容,让该公司予人以友好亲切的感觉。It also serves as a smile, making the company feel friendly and approachable.

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那么设计师应该把“注册”的链接放在什么地方才会让用户感觉更可接近?Where should a designer place the “sign-up”-link to make it more approachable?

所以我非常善于分析,非常容易相处,也就是说我很适合交谈。So very analytical and very easy going in the sense that I am very approachable.

第一,这里的人们很友好,很平易近人。For one, the people out here are a lot, they're more nice and more approachable.

克里兹亚的健康饮食方法是坚持做到简单、可行和实际!Krizia's approach to healthy eating is about keeping it simple, approachable and REAL!

越和总统先生相处,我就越发现他善谈而平易近人。The more I got along with Mr. President, the more I found him humorous and approachable.

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此酒工艺精致,以红樱桃和成熟水果为主的芬芳酒香十分贴近大众口味。This wine is crafted to be on the approachable side with a core of red cherries and ripe fruit.

那高高拱起的车顶、倾斜的大灯以及亲民的个性,都让老甲壳虫的车迷们兴奋不已。The high arched roofline, sloping headlights, and approachable personality thrilled old Beetle fans.

想像你正在度假,人们在度假时往往会更容易接近,也会与陌生人有更多的交谈。Pretend you're on vacation, a time when most people are more approachable and talk more to strangers.