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俄国曾是一个君主制国家Muscovy was a princely state.

俄罗斯作为俄国公国在12世纪建立的。Russia was founded in the 12th century as the Principality of Muscovy.

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分离毒不能使半番鸭、本地鸭、鸡发病。The isolate can't attack local ducks, hybrid muscovy ducks and chickens.

通过细微观察,她可以分辨出,比如,鹪鹩和美洲家鸭。Up close, she can see nodes that distinguish, say, a wren from a Muscovy duck.

这说明从遗传距离来看,番鸭与鸳鸯属的鸭亲缘关系最近。According to the distance, we can conclude that Muscovy duck was closed to Aix galericulata.

因此,该半套式RT-PCR可以用于番鸭呼肠孤病毒病的临床快速检测。So this semi-nested RT-PCR could be used for rapid detection of the muscovy duck reovirus disease.

文章通过试验找出能适合于花肝病分离毒生长和繁殖的胚,并检测了自制灭活苗对雏番鸭的保护作用。The isolated virus can reproduce in embryo of muscovy duck, and showed a weakening tendency of its virulent.

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6世纪时莫斯科公国已经征服了伏尔加盆地,游牧鞑靼民族住的地方Muscovy had already conquered the Volga basin in the 16th century, where the nomadic Tatars were, T-A-T-A-R-S.

这是莎士比亚的时间,并开始了海外贸易公司,如公司的番鸭。This was the time of Shakespeare and the beginnings of overseas trading companies such as the Muscovy Company.

“沙皇俄国”,一如她的***者早先称呼的那样,是一位沉睡的巨人,有着古老的传统和独特的行为方式。Muscovy", as its rulers have previously called it, is a sleeping giant, with age-old traditions and ways of doing things."

“沙皇俄国”,一如她的统治者早先称呼的那样,是一位沉睡的巨人,有着古老的传统和独特的行为方式。"Muscovy", as its rulers have previously called it, is a sleeping giant, with age-old traditions and ways of doing things.

对比禽流感病毒NS1蛋白在几种动物组织中的定位,番鸭和鹅的体内分布最广,鸡和鸭体内分布较少。The result showed that, distribution of NS1 protein is widest in tissue of muscovy duck and goose, but less in fowl and duck.

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本试验将淘汰的福建白番鸭34只按性别分为试验组和对照组。In this test, 34 culled mature white muscovy ducks in Fujian province were divided into treatment and control groups by both sexes.

俄国曾是蒙古的进贡国之一,1230年代,蒙古人洗劫了基辅,蒙古铁骑涌入俄国以及现在的乌克兰Muscovy had been one of the tributaries of the Mongols, who sacked Kiev in the 1230s, after pouring into Russia and what now is Ukraine.

本文就是对实习过程中所遇到的一例番鸭副粘病毒病进行的诊治。This article is an example muscovy duck which meets to the practice process in vice-sticks the diagnosis which viral disease carries on.

采用混合家系方差组分剖分法对白羽番鸭RF系的主要经济性状遗传参数进行了估计。The genetic parameters of major quantity traits of white feather muscovy duck RF line were estimated with variance component of the mixed family.

综合产肉性能等多项指标,说明白羽番鸭具有较好的肉用性能,值得推广应用。It is showed that white-feather muscovy ducks had good meat performance according to carcass traits and meat quality, which was worth of being exploitation.

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不久,赫麦尔尼茨基的乌克兰根据哥萨克军事会议法令,在1654年与莫斯科签署了的联盟,共同进攻波兰和立陶宛。Soon, Chmielnicki's Ukraine, on the decree of the Cossack military council, signed an alliance with Muscovy in 1654 and jointly attacked Poland and Lithuania.

股票是在16世纪由欧洲的股份制公司首先发行的,其中最具代表性的是1553年于伦敦成立的番鸭公司——它负责与俄国的贸易。Shares were first issued in the 16th century, by Europe’s new joint-stock companies, led by the Muscovy Company, set up in London in 1553 to trade with Russia.

伊凡四世·瓦西里耶维奇,称之为恐怖的伊凡,是我国伟大的公爵从1533年到1547年,他是第一位统治者,俄罗斯承担称号沙皇。Ivan IV of Russia, also know as Ivan the Terrible, was the Grand Duke of Muscovy from 1533 to 1547 and was the first ruler of Russia to assume the title of Tsar.