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发明人说“我确定“And the inventor said, "Yes."

要发明得先有发明者。An invention supposes an inventor.

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这个小发明家也被严重地烫伤了。The young inventor was badly scalded.

这个小发明家也就严重地被烫伤了。The young inventor was badly scalded.

爸爸是个发明家。他常常把妈蚂气得发疯!Dad is an inventor. He drives Mum mad!

让我想想。发明者是戴维平。Let me see. The inventor is Dai Weiping.

这台机器以其发明者的名字命名。The machine is named after its inventor.

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这部机器是以其发明者的名字命名的。The machine is named after its inventor.

而B现实是吃草机的发明者。Ballas was the inventor of the Weed Eater.

但那就表示我注定要成为一个发明家吗?Did that mean I was meant to be an inventor?

一个真正惊人的改进,向设计团队脱帽致敬!My hat is off to the inventor of this design.

那,你是吸入式理发器的发明人,对吧?Now you're the inventor of the Suck Kut right?

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传说中杜康是创造酒的人。Du Kang is a semi-legendary inventor of liquor.

爱迪生缘何成为大发明家?Unit 15 How Did Edison Become a Great Inventor?

爱迪生很年轻时就因创造发明而一举成名。Edison won his spurs as an inventor while young.

先生和Ballas的杂草噬魂的发明者。And Mr. Ballas was the inventor of the Weed Eater.

一个侏儒发明家声称他可以制造一价飞船。A gnome inventor claims he can build a flying ship.

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在我年轻时我的抱负曾是当一名发明家。In my youth my ambition had been to be an inventor.

爱迪生是一位伟大的发明家,他名扬天下。Edison is a great inventor whose fame is world-wide.

什么意思,分手赢家?你这个古典发明家。What do you mean, win the breakup old-timey inventor?