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我去拿我的课本。I'm fetching my textbook.

猎人用狗去取物。Hunters use dogs for fetching.

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我记得他给你拿了柠檬汽水。I remember him fetching you lemonade.

新电影吸引了大批观众。The new film is fetching large audiences.

美元兑日圆从此前的77.23日圆跌至77.14日圆。The dollar was fetching Y77.14, from Y77.23.

哦你把拖鞋给我拿来了,真是个大好人。Oh you are a saint , fetching my slippers for me.

松软,毛茸茸的软垫引人极想在上面坐坐。Loose, brushy soft mat is fetching long above sit.

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生活摆脱了取水的苦工。Lives are lifted from the drudgery of fetching water.

以下是一个使用批量抓取的HBM文件片段Here is a sample HBM file excerpt using batch fetching

他挥动手杖在她的前额打了一下。Fetching the stick about,he strokes her in the forehead.

她解释说她是为了要拿些水给奥图喝。She explained that she was fetching some water for Otto.

尽管这些叛军看起来很吸引人,但是这里面就有很多恶贯满盈的暴徒。Though they looked fetching , the wrong sort of rebels were there.

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思想保守的民警可能抵触新事物的引进等。Thought keeping staff may conflict with the new thing fetching in.

妇女们取的水是脏的并且还经常有人取水的时候让鳄鱼吃掉。Women are regularly eaten by crocodiles while fetching dirty water.

你提水的时候至少应该做到不要把水泼出来呀!When fetching water, you should at lease try not to spill the water.

听说过猫能像狗一样把主人扔出去的东西捡回来吗?Did you know that a cat is capable of fetching things just like a dog?

欧元从上周五纽约市场尾盘1欧元兑1.1203瑞郎跌至1.1066瑞郎。The euro was fetching 1.1066 franc, from 1.1203 late Friday in New York.

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王子看起来很放松,他正打算做烤面包片。Looking relaxed, the prince helped out fetching bread to make some toast.

女孩们去打水要花的时间缩短了,便有更多的时间上学读书。With less time spent fetching water, girls have more time to go to school.

露骨的姿态极度暧昧引人幻想无限。Barefaced attitude is exceeding and ambiguous fetching illusion is infinite.