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耐火度达1200摄氏度。Our logs can resist 1200 centigrade.

大约摄氏三十度。It's about thirty degrees centigrade.

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水在100℃时沸腾。Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade.

水在零摄氏度结冰。Water freezes at zero degrees centigrade.

这种温度计是用摄氏百分度标定的。This thermometer is calibrated by centigrade.

境内温暖湿润,年平均温度17到21摄氏度。Temperatures average 17-21 degrees centigrade.

水的沸点是摄氏100度。The boiling point of water is 100 degrees centigrade.

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昨天夜里的温度是摄氏十度。The temperature was ten degrees centigrade last night.

“干吨”指的是105摄氏度干燥后的矿石。"Dry basis" means Ore dried at 105 degrees Centigrade.

温度降到摄氏零下十度。The temperature dropped to minus ten degrees centigrade.

放入烤箱,温度225,烤40分钟左右直至土豆外表略微焦黄。Bake the potato for around 40 minutes with 225 Centigrade.

把它放进170摄氏度的炉中一个小时。Put it into the oven at 170 degrees centigrade for one hour.

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温度在摄氏三十度与四十度之间。The temperature ranges between 30 and 40 degrees centigrade.

烧蓝的炉温一般在600度以上。Temperature for enamel-firing is usually above 600 centigrade.

水在华氏三十二度即摄氏零度时结冰。Water freezes at 3 2 degrees Fahrenheit or 0 degrees Centigrade.

冰只有二分之一,卡路里每克每度。Ice is only ice is only one-half calorie per gram per degree centigrade.

人体正常的温度是36.5摄氏度左右.The normal temperature of the human body is about 36.5 degrees Centigrade.

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在该示例中,温度转换程序可以将华氏温度转换为摄氏温度。In this example, a temperature converter converts Fahrenheit to Centigrade.

我总是把空调的温度转为摄氏26度。I always turn the temperature of the air-conditioner to 26 degree centigrade.

具有较高的磁能积、极低的温度系数,其使用温度可高达300度。Its biggest advantage is its high working temperature----300 degree centigrade.