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所以你要用些高速移动的策略来对付一些坦克并快速的攻击。So use your high speed to outmaneuver other tanks and make quick attacks.

康纳利极力想把对方吓倒,而尼克松的方针是以谋略制胜。Connally sought to cow opposition while Nixon's strategy was to outmaneuver it.

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他表示,该船意图超越以色列的船,结果撞在一起。He said the boat was trying to outmaneuver the Israeli vessel when it was struck.

他表达,该船意图超越以色列的船,结果撞在一起。He say the boat were trying to outmaneuver the Israeli vessel when it were struck.

许多物理障碍,拼图,并逃脱,智胜和智取敌人。Lots of physics obstacles, puzzles, and enemies to outrun, outsmart and outmaneuver.

年迈的西斯尊主智胜克诺比,把这位老练的绝地打昏。The aged Sith Lord was able to outmaneuver Kenobi, and knocked the seasoned Jedi unconscious.

欺骗或是耍计谋会让有些人一辈子都想方设法来报复你。Deceive or outmaneuver some people and they will spend the rest of their lives seeking revenge.

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由上,由于你还不能够控制你的思维,不要试着拒绝进入。Above all, don't try to go into denial, for you won't be able to use logic to outmaneuver your feelings.

在那些以灵活性取胜的项目中,年轻的选手比成熟的更轻巧,孩子们就会被虚报年龄。In sports where limber, prepubescent bodies can outmaneuver more mature athletes, kids can be designated as older than they are.

尽管他保有对多唐纳的敬仰,格兰特依然以策略制胜并击败了他的对手。Grant was able to outmaneuver and subsequently defeat his opposite number, though he maintained the reverence he held for Dodonna.

国内汽车制造商缺乏打败成熟对手的品牌、技术和管理能力——不管是在国内还是在国外。Local manufacturers have lacked the brands, technology and managerial heft to outmaneuver their established rivals, either at home or abroad.

在信息是最有价值的商品的行业中,交易者用最聪明最快的计算机武装,可以智慧和机动灵活战胜竞争者。In a business where information is the most valuable commodity, traders with the smartest, fastest computers can outfox and outmaneuver rivals.

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致病菌能钻过我们制造出来药物的一个个漏洞并不断进化,这多亏了我们自己对药物的错用滥用。Infectious bacteria have evolved through the loopholes in almost every drug we've created, thanks to our own misuse and overuse. But we may yet outmaneuver them.

美军军械署要求所造出来的快速攻击坦克在性能上一定要能与德国的坦克相抗衡,而且要足够的快从而打败对手。The Ordinance Corps put out a demand for afast-attack tank to be able to compete with the German tanks, and be fastenough to outmaneuver and outflank the opponent.

军力的部署,目标的选择和对敌军的削弱或者智取都将为下一场战斗和战术目标的实现创造条件。The disposition of forces, selection of objectives, and actions taken to weaken or to outmaneuver the enemy all set the terms of the next battle and exploit tactical gains.

生活总会超越那些束缚它的一板一眼的制度,因为生活总在变化。It will always outrun and outmaneuver any perpetual becoming. when life turns your wisest plans or best rules upside down, throw out the plans and bend with the circumstance.

肯诺比与安纳金的光剑再次合作对抗杜库,但这位上年纪的西斯大君得以击败肯诺比,将那位经验丰富的绝地撞得失去意识。Once again, lightsaber blades crossed as Kenobi and Skywalker teamed up against Dooku. The aged Sith Lord was able to outmaneuver Kenobi, and knocked the seasoned Jedi unconscious.

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很多人称其为“互联网总统”,因为他史无前例地利用互联网战胜了对手麦凯恩。Many have called Mr. Obama the Internet President because of the unprecedented way his campaign used the medium to raise funds, raise awareness, and ultimately outmaneuver John McCain.