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倍他米松可能只获得了处方。Betamethasone may only be obtained by prescription.

使用倍他米松应监督医生。Use of betamethasone should be monitored by a physician.

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疼痛消失时间和应用倍他米松治疗的次数。Time when pain disappeared and times of betamethasone administration.

结论该方法简便、准确、快速,可用于痤疮洗剂中倍他米松的含量测定。CONCLUSION The method is simple, precise and can be use to determine betamethasone liniment.

预先静脉注射倍他米松可有效降低麻醉诱导期间芬太尼所致咳嗽反射的发生。Injection of betamethasone in advance could effectively reduce cough reflex caused by fentanyl induction.

目的建立了用分光光度法测定倍他米松搽剂中倍他米松的含量。OBJECTIVE A spectrophotometry method was established for the determination of Betamethasone in Betamethasone Liniment.

目的比较庆大霉素与复方倍他米松用于原发性三叉神经痛的治疗效果。Objective To compare the therapeutic effects and adverse events of gentamicin and betamethasone on primary trigeminal neuralgia.

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对照组轻、中、重度咳嗽发生率与倍他米松组各咳嗽强度组相比均有显著性差异。There was significant difference in the incidence of mild, moderate, severe cough in control group compared with betamethasone group.

在降低早产儿的主要新生儿发病率和死亡率几率方面,倍他米松和地塞米松具有可比性。Betamethasone and dexamethasone are comparable in reducing the rate of most major neonatal morbidities and mortality in preterm neonates.

结论CT导引下脊神经周围注射复方倍他米松是一种安全、有效的治疗腰根性神经痛方法。Conclusion Periradicular compound betamethasone injection under CT guidance is safe and useful in the treatment of lumbar radicular pain.

这项研究基于出生前接受倍他米松治疗的婴儿,它们没有显示同先前研究相同的副作用。This study was based on infants who received betamethasone prior to birth, and they did not show the same adverse effects as previous studies.

药物-类固醇所谓米松-是给处于危险之中的妇女早产,以加快发展自己的宝宝的肺部。The drug – a corticosteroid called betamethasone – is given to women at risk of premature delivery to hasten the development of their baby's lungs.

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通过这些研究,寻找最稳定的晶型以及抑制转化的适宜附加剂,用于制备稳定且可热压灭菌的倍他米松复方混悬型注射剂。Finally, the most stable crystal form and some inhibitor were chosen to prepare stable betamethasone acetate suspension for injection which could be sterilized.

如果医生怀疑一个孕妇可能会早产,他们可能会对她使用类固醇米松是为了在婴儿出生之前加快他肺部的生长速度。If doctors suspect a woman might give birth prematurely, they might treat her with the steroid betamethasone to speed the baby's lung development before it is born.

目的观察复方倍他米松注射液局部注射治疗神经性皮炎的临床疗效及安全性,探索简单有效的治疗方法。Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of Betamethasone Compound injection in patients with neurodermatitis, found a kind of method that was simple and effective.

结论复方倍他米松注射液治疗带状疱疹神经痛较强的松和氢化考的松起效迅速,成本效果比也较为合理。Conclusions Compound betamethasone injection could improve neuralgia in herpes zoster patients rapidly and its cost-effectiveness analysis demonstrated a rational economic value.

本发明微晶化法最终制得了粒径大小和均一度满足药物制剂要求的的二丙酸倍他米松微粒。Through the micro crystallization method, the betamethasone dipropionate micro-particle which has small grain size and homogeneity satisfying the preparation requirement is prepared.