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封圣——最后宣告为圣徒,需要更多奇迹。Canonization, the final declaration of sainthood , requires at least one more.

因此,天主教关于圣徒身份的辩论既是文化上的辩论又是政治上的辩论。The debate in the Church about sainthood is thus just as much cultural as political.

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他已经获得了圣徒的最高果位也许会说已经从面对面看到涅磐了。He who gains the highest fruit of sainthood may be said to have seen nirvana face to face.

他的名字是纪念西班牙和基督圣徒以及其家族血统的混合产物。His name is a combination of respect for Spanish and Christian sainthood and family heritage.

宽容好友的缺点与瑕疵的风度会将你提升至圣人的高度。Your grace in overlooking the mistakes and flaws of your friends will elevate you to sainthood.

1995年教皇保罗二世赐福给麦基洛浦,将她最终推向圣徒的荣誉。She was eventually put on the road to sainthood by Pope John Paul II, who beatified her in 1995.

与很多畅销书名正好相反的,没有所谓的成长捷径或立时成圣的秘诀。Contrary to popular book titles, there are no Easy Steps to Maturity or Secrets of Instant Sainthood.

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我想问他天主教会不会有什么理由把他视为圣徒。I wanted to ask him if there was any reason why the Catholic Church would consider him for sainthood.

如果你还没准备好追求超凡入圣的境界,那你也许可以满足于只成为伟大的人或者成功的人。If you′re not quite ready to go for sainthood , then perhaps you would simply settle for greatness. Or success.

20世纪精神上最受崇敬的人之一已经朝着通往圣徒的道路迈出了第一大步。One of the most revered spiritual men of the 20th century has taken his first big step on the road to sainthood.

如果有人在那发现一件容易的事情要做,把你的名字前面的德兰修女的目的提名。If anyone out there finds that an easy thing to do, put your name ahead of Mother Theresa for sainthood nominations.

这往往会增加“佛土的路上带来的好处,并会趋于降低代理成本的大小。This will tend to increase the benefits associated with "sainthood" and will tend to reduce the size of the agency costs.

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尽管曼德拉在自己的祖国已近于圣徒,却不能说其记录里就没有瑕疵。Although Mandela has achieved near sainthood in his home country, it would be wrong to say there are no blemishes on his record.

毫无疑问,酒、烟以及诸如此类的东西是圣人必须要避免的,但是成圣也是人类必须要避免的一件事。No doubt alcohol, tobacco, and so forth, are things that a saint must avoid, but sainthood is also a thing that human beings must avoid.

教皇本笃赞扬六年前去世的他的波兰前任为“罗马天主教堂的真福”,这是成为圣徒之前的最后一步。Pope Benedict proclaimed his Polish predecessor who died six years ago a 'blessed of the Roman Catholic Church', the last step before sainthood.

她需要学习如何伪装,即便在那催人泪下的高潮部分,玛雅要不冷酷得像圣徒,要不情感到达崩溃边缘。She has yet to learn how to be false, even in a hankie-wringer of a climax that suggests Maya's headed for either sainthood or a nervous breakdown.

大儒陈白沙是从祀孔庙的岭南第一人和唯一人,陈白沙从祀孔庙的成功为其“真儒”形象的确立奠定了基础。Chen Baisha, a great Confucian scholar, was the only one person of Guangdong to be elevated to sainthood and thus be honored in the Confucian Temple.

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事实上教宗把两个死了的见证圣母玛丽亚异象目击者提到圣人的地位是他投爱法蒂玛的另一个标志。The fact that the pope put the two dead witnesses to the Virgin's apparitions on the path of sainthood today was another sign of his devotion to Fátima.

罗马教廷周二发布了社交页面,这是在教皇保罗二世5月1日被宣福之前出现在圣徒面前的最后一一次。The Holy See launched the social networking pages Tuesday, in advance of the beatification of Pope John Paul II on May 1, the last step before sainthood.

在许多地区,早逝的孩子及惨死的人都会被赋予一种圣徒身份,人们还祈求它们代表生者的利益干预尘世。In many places, children who die or people who suffer unpleasant deaths can be granted a kind of sainthood and asked to intervene on behalf of the living.