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我喜欢他的毛绒绒的软毛。I like his fuzzy fur!

法利瓦力是只熊。Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.

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毛茸茸、软绵绵的是玩具熊。Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear.

一根头发也没有。Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair.

哦哦哦!看啊!小毛人!Ooooo! Look! A tiny fuzzy man!

所以就需要引入一些模糊数学了。So some fuzzy math is required.

职业表述要精确,不可含混模糊。Be specific, not vague or fuzzy.

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他是如此温暖、松软和可爱。He's so warm and fuzzy and cute.

爱不永远都是温暖与含糊不清的。Love is not always warm and fuzzy.

具有了一种虚无飘渺的模糊美。Have a kind of fuzzy beauty though.

有著茸茸的尾巴,你不能捉弄我。With fuzzy tails, you can't fool me.

你可以使用这个小东西,小叮当?Can you use this fuzzy thing, Miss Bell?

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曝光时间长会使轮廓不清。Time exposures produce a fuzzy boundary.

街灯和汽车大灯都模糊不清。Street lights and car headlights are fuzzy.

毛绒绒的蜜蜂在嗡嗡作响的忙碌的蜂箱里嗡嗡。The fuzzy bee buzzed the buzzy busy beehive.

毛茸茸的蜜蜂嗡嗡萦绕在忙碌嗡嗡作响的蜂巢周围。The fuzzy bee buzzed the buzzy busy beehive.

暖暖的茸茸的泡泡开始出现了。A warm fuzzy bubble started to form from there.

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当我们能看到它时,似乎只看到一个?那蛱?。When we can see it, it appears as a fuzzy ball.

绒毛伍兹是一只熊,绒毛伍兹没有毛。Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.

终端用户的需求可能是模糊或不完整的。End-user requirements may be fuzzy or incomplete.